Created by esther.westwood
over 9 years ago
What are the top 4 rheumatic diseases by prevalence? (With percentages)
Can you remember any other rheumatic diseases?
1. What are the 2 rheumatic diseases with greater male prevalence?
2. What are the 2 rheumatic diseases with equal male:female prevalence?
At what age do people commonly get
a) fractures from osteoporosis
b) hip fractures from osteoporosis
c) rheumatoid arthritis
d) ankylosing spondylitis
e) polymyalgia rheumatica
f) lupus/CTD/myositis
A) At what age is knee OA more common?
B) At what age is hip OA more common?
What are the first symptoms and relevant investigation findings in polymyalgia rheumatica?
What predisposes someone to knee OA?
What predisposes someone to hip OA?
What are the symptoms of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and what sort of arthritis is it?
What is the 'bare area' of a joint?
Which joints contain fibrocartilage as well as hyaline cartliage?
Which bursae are likely to become inflamed?
What is the enthesis?
Where does joint pain tend to radiate from
a) the hip
b) the knee
c) the spine?
What type of problem is it likely to be if joint pain is worse
A) upon use
B) at rest
C) at night?
What is the typical pattern of morning stiffness of
a) OA
b) RA
c) AS?
What does swelling in OA indicate?
What are the symptoms of systemic rheumatic illness?
What does the 'attitude' of a joint mean?
What might splinter haemorrhages indicate in rheumatology?
If the pain is
A) on the joint line
B) away from the joint line
where is the problem?
If a joint cannot be moved any further on passive movement than active movement, what type of problem is likely?
If a joint can be moved further on passive than active movement, what type of problem is likely?
What condition does
A) genu varus
B) genu valgus
predispose to?
What deformity is this?
What deformity is this?
What deformity is this?
When muscle wasting is
a) local
b) global
what is the likely pathology?
What is lateral DIP instability caused by?
What are the following swellings over the olecranon bursa likely to be?
A) Soft and fluid filled
B) Soft and not fluid filled
C) Hard
D) Xanthelasma elsewhere on the body
Where does swelling most commonly occur in OA and what is it?
What are the major causes of erythema over joints?
What are the typical timings of symptoms in an episode of gout?
What happens to the skin?
What is dactylitis and what disorder is it common in?
A) What is stress pain?
B) What condition gives universal stress pain?
C) What condition gives selective stress pain?
A) What is the loose pack position?
B) What is the tight pack position?
What is a) fine crepitus and b) coarse crepitus a sign of?
Where is a) hip pain and b) shoulder pain likely to radiate to?
A) Where will tenderness be?
B) Will passive or active movement be more restricted?
C) Where will swelling be?
D) What will be warm?
E) What type of crepitus will be present?
F) Where will muscle wasting be?
A) Where will tenderness be?
B) Will passive or active movement be more restricted?
C) Where will swelling be?
D) What will be warm?
E) What type of crepitus will be present?
F) Where will muscle wasting be?
What are the signs/symptoms of synovitis?
What are the signs/symptoms of joint damage?
What is the Beighton score?
A) What percentage of the population are hypermobile?
B) What is hypermobility a risk factor for?
C) Which diseases can it be a sign of?
Where are the typical tender sites in fibromyalgia?
What is the theory of fibromyalgia aetiology?
How many joints is
A) monoarthritis
B) oligo/pauci-arthritis
C) polyarthritis?
What sort of injury has acute onset, predisposing trauma, a single regional pain syndrome that occurs on one or a few movements and is non-progressive, localised tenderness with no/mild signs of inflammation and no constitutional upset? The pain is reproduced by resisted active movement and stress tests.
Which diseases cause nodules with arthropathy?