Created by Sameet Govan
over 9 years ago
radiological features of gout
viral arthritis's
sero -ve spondyloarthropathies
ankylosing sponylitis
how to treat an intracapsular hip fracture
where does pseudo gout tend to be?
the two types of systemic sclerosis
scleroderma clinical trial inclusion diagnosis
LeRoy classification of scleroderma according to extent of skin involvement
CREST syndrome
generic complications to any #
shoulder ant vs post dislocation
nerve to worry about in humeral shaft fracture
distal humorous # worry
pneumonic for Galeazzi and Monteggia fracture-dislocations
Monteggia fracture-dislocation
Galeazzi fracture-dislocation
Base of thumb fracture is called what
Polymyalgia rheumatica is typically which joints
cut off age for temporal arteritis
biopsy of temporal arteritis
Dequervians involves which tendon
What is Cushings reflex in head injury
what are sprains and strains
whats the danger in perches disease
what do you initially give to someone with a pelvic fracture
O'Donoghue's unhappy triad
5 p's of compartment syndrome
Jones fracture
March fracture
signs of prosthetic joint infection
-ve and +vely birefringement crystals
most common joints for gout
most common joints for pseudogout
treatment of pseudogout
viral causes of arthritis
what is GCS definition of severe head injury
what is GCS definition of minor head injury
Criteria for immediate CT in head injury (NICE)
criteria for CT within 8 hours not meeting the immediate CT criteria for head injury
What is Lofgrens syndrome
Caplan syndrome
the broad categories of ACR/EULAR criteria for RA
where are herbedens and bouchards nodes
effect of PTH on electrolytes
effect of vit d on electrolytes
Myelopathy vs radiculopathy
how to test for flexor digitorum profundus injury
how to test for flexor digitorum superficialis
fallout sign?
extensor tendon injury
extensor tendon injury distal to PIP
complications of fracture
principles of treating extra-articular fractures
Principles of treating intra-articular fractures
classification of growth plate injuries
Which salter harris have good prognosis
most common salter harris
which salter harris require surgery
management of colles
neurovascular concern in anterior shoulder dislocation
causes of anterior shoulder dislocation
causes of posterior should dislocation
inferior shoulder dislocation
management of clavicle #
humeral shaft # and which nerve may be affected
supracondylar fracture and neurovascular
galeazzi and monteggia fractures management in adults and children
what is a batons fracture
when to internally fix in scaphoid #
scaphoid and complex regional pain syndrome
sudecks atrophy and scaphoid
metacarpal and phalangeal #s
Mallet finger
game keepers thumb
musculocutaneous nerve weakness and sensory change
median nerve lesions
Ulnar nerve injury
froments signs
Treatment of slipped upper femoral epiphysis
femoral neck fractures
Garden classification hip fracture
Garden # and treatments
Treatment of extra capsular fractures
weber classification of ankle fractures
the scaphoid of the foot
Maisonneuve fracture
lisfranc fracture dislocation
Spinal shock
GCS for children
GCS and coma
How is trauma care audited
What is ARDS
what is multi organ failure and when does it become systemic inflammatory response syndrome
Ottawa knee rule for x-ray
bits and bobs regarding opiods
Differential diagnosis of menu vacuum (bow legged) after 2 years
painful hip differential diagnosis
SUFE - what to do
very dangerous causes of painful limp (danger signs - severe pain, night pain, severe tenderness)
When to do operative correction of bow legs and knock knees
types of scoliosis
what is perthes disease
four features to differentiate between septic arthritis and transient synovitis
The phases of frozen shoulder
De quervians
Tendon involved in tennis elbow
rickets (juvenile osteomalacia)
Pagets disease
causes of drug induced lupus
SLE rash and arthritis management
two main anti-phospholipids in antiphospholipid syndrome
Burns calculation
Juxtaarticular osteopenia/osteoporosis is an early sign of what
Who typically gets haemarthrosis
Risk factors to septic arthritis
how to treat septic arthritis
Acute gout treatment
treatment in ongoing gout
what is milwaukee shoulder
morning stiffness time limit cut off for inflamm
What kind of things can cause a reactive arthritis
and prognosis
Classical joint distributions in RA vs psoriatic
how many joints is an oligoarthritis
investigations in new onset RA
polymyalgia rheumatica
When to give tetanus vaccine/immunoglobulin in trauma setting?