Created by RosettaStoneDecoded
over 9 years ago
what are the conditions needed for cracking?
what are alkenes?
how do you test for alkenes?
how can ethene create ethanol?
what are the pros and cons of creating ethanol from ethene?
how can ethanol be made from a renewable resource?
what are the pros and cons of creating ethanol from a renewable resource?
how can alkenes become polymers and what are the conditions needed?
what are the uses of polymers?
what are the issues with polymers?
how can plant oils be extracted?
what advantages do vegetable oils have?
what are saturated oils?
what does polyunsaturated mean?
what does monounsaturated mean?
how do you make an oil harder? what are the conditions needed?
what are the advantages of hydrogenating an oil?
what are the issues with oils and partially hydrogenated fats?
what is an alternative use for emulsions other than food?
how do emulsifiers work?
what are the pros and cons of emulsifiers?
what was Wegener's theory of Continental Drift? Why did he think this?
why was Wegener not believed?
what is the structure of the earth?
what is the structure of the crust? how does the mantle affect the movement?
how do earthquakes occur?
why can't we predict earthquakes and volcanoes?
what was the first phase of the atmosphere?
what was the second phase of the atmosphere?
how did carbon dioxide become locked up in rocks and fossil fuels?
what was the third phase of the atmosphere?
what is the theory of primordial soup?
how can we fractionally distil air?
what impact does carbon dioxide levels have on the environment?