Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

CSSE4004 - Lecture 8

Created by tb22 over 9 years ago

CSSE4004 - Lecture 8

Question 1 of 13


Which is FALSE about Enterprise Java Beans?

Select one of the following:

  • Binds to a variety of services including RMI, JDBC, JNDI, JMS

  • Supports stateless objects

  • Supports stateful session

  • Uses JSON (Java serializable object networking) to represent the data


Question 2 of 13


Which of the following is false about CORBA

Select one of the following:

  • Supports both persistent and transient communication

  • Uses an IDL based on C data types

  • Uses network pointer for addressing objects which encapsulates an object’s identity and location information

  • Is object based

  • None of the other options are false


Question 3 of 13


Which of the following is a function of the Server Manager in the context of an Implementation Repository?

Select one of the following:

  • Starts servers if necessary

  • Converts messages to formats compatible with the server

  • Adding a transparency layer between a server and the implementation repository

  • Filtering messages which are incompatible with a server


Question 4 of 13


Which of these is not a function of an Object Request Broker (ORB)?

Select one of the following:

  • Location of servants

  • Separating interface and implementation

  • Activation/deactivation of the servant’s container (the server process) where necessary

  • Scheduling the servant’s container (the server process) to be restarted when a message lease expires


Question 5 of 13


Which of the following is false?

Select one of the following:

  • Static invocation requires that interfaces are known when the application is developed

  • Interfaces are usually specified in an interface definition language (IDL)

  • Dynamic invocation allows to compose RMI at run time

  • Dynamic invocation is only possible over IP based protocols


Question 6 of 13


Which of the following is true about a Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII)?

Select one of the following:

  • allows clients to invoke objects without a precompiled stub

  • only compatible with dynamic/interpreted languages such as Python

  • Faster because pre-compiled stubs do not need to be loaded from memory

  • requires that the client knows the parameter list and function name in advance


Question 7 of 13


Which of the following is false about web services?

Select one of the following:

  • Most useful for cross platform and application interoperability eg. business to business integration

  • XML encoding has a high parsing overhead

  • SOAP may be used in place of GET / POST

  • HTTP is stateful


Question 8 of 13


Which of the following is true about a remote object with client-side proxy?

Select one of the following:

  • The state of the object is not distributed

  • The state of the object is distributed

  • The state of the object is replicated on both the client and the server

  • The application must decode results returned by the function from the encoding they were transmitted in


Question 9 of 13


What is the function of WSDL?

Select one of the following:

  • Interface definition, similar to IDL

  • Discovering/locating services dynamically

  • Avoiding the drawbacks of XML by enabling the use of binary encoding

  • Enabling interoperability with .NET and other languages such as Java


Question 10 of 13


Which is true about Transient objects?

Select one of the following:

  • exists as long as the server hosting the object

  • exists even if it is currently not contained in the address space of any server

  • a record stored in a database would be a transient object

  • most distributed computing platforms only support persistent objects


Question 11 of 13


What is false about system wide object references?

Select one of the following:

  • Is a difference between Remote Method Invocation and RPC

  • Object references can be passed between remote processes

  • Process holding an object reference has to bind to the object before invoking any method

  • Binding results in a reverse pointer being placed in process’s address space


Question 12 of 13


Which of the following is FALSE about .NET remoting

Select one of the following:

  • Supports UDP or TCP/IP

  • Supports SOAP and binary encoding

  • Similar to CORBA RMI

  • RMI call includes the object URI in the request


Question 13 of 13


Which of these is not a .NET distributed computing platform

Select one of the following:

  • .NET Remoting

  • .NET Web Services

  • WCF (Windows Communication Foundation)

  • WCI (Windows Communication Interface)
