Created by Denise Siddons
over 9 years ago
[ PRIA ]
Another defination...
[ Grunig & Hunt ]
Why are there more than 500 definitions?
PR is performed at different levels:
PR enables...
PR characteristics
How and why PR is used
How PR benefits an organisation
PR techniques include:
The role of PR practitioners
Some PR practitioners tasks include:
Common misconceptions
PR today
How communication technology
impacts PR practice
Use of PR throughout history
4 models of PR
PR Models
[ Grunig & Hunt ]
Press agentry / publicity
[ PT Barnum ]
PT Barnum
[ Press agentry / publicity ]
PT Barnum said...
Public information
[ Ivy Lee ]
Ivy Lee
[ public Information ]
Ivy Lee said...
Two-way asymmetric
[ Edward Bernays ]
Edward Bernays
[ two-way asymmetrical ]
Two-way symmetric
[ James Grunig ]
James Grunig
(1942 - present)
[ two-way symmetrical ]
PR is the ________ , ________ and ________ effort to establish and maintain ________ understanding between an ________ and its ________.
Where communication fits
What is a communication plan?
PR planning process
4 stages of the
PR planning process
Define research
2 types of research
Research methods
Define strategy
What is implementation?
What is evaluation?
Define stakeholder
Define stakeholder segmentation
Stakeholder analysis steps
Stakeholder analysis criteria
Define stakeholder relationship management
What are PR goals?
What are PR objectives?
Sample objectives
Define tactics
Define message
Message content should:
Define framing
What is cognitive bias?
Define measurement
Measurement helps:
What is a Gantt chart?
Define propaganda
PR communication channels include:
What is media relations?
Media relations
Publicity/media relations is used to:
What is uncontrolled media?
What is controlled media?
3 categories of mass media:
What is 3rd party endorsement?
3 types of
3rd party endorsement:
Why and how is
3rd party endorsement used ?
What is ethics?
5 ethical ( & potentially conflicting) considerations:
What is the PRIA code of ethics?
Why do we need a PR code of ethics?
Risks of unethical practice include:
2 ethical theories
Ethcal principles test:
Define risk
Risk is a continuum:
Define risk management
Define issue
What is a legitimacy gap?
What is issues management?
Issues management helps...
Define crisis
Characteristics of a crisis:
Crisis examples
Crisis origins can be:
Define crisis management