Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

This exam is designed to help you study for the "Adwords Search Advertising" Exam.

Created by joshmartin.dms over 9 years ago

Adwords Search Advertsing - Practice Exam

Question 1 of 45


An advertiser selling anti-bacterial toothbrushes want to invest in their brand with a set marketing budget. They want another campaign that maximizes profit as long as ROI is positive. Which account structure achieves both goals?

Select one of the following:

  • Allocate the set marketing budget across dedicated campaigns. Create a separate campaign that can extend it’s daily budget after profitability is achieved.

  • Divide the marketing budget between Search and Display and run two separate campaigns.

  • Automate everything in a single campaign with the Branding and ROI optimizer.

  • Run everything in a single campaign, allocating the set marketing budget to it.


Question 2 of 45


Megan enabled Conversion Optimizer in all six of her campaigns. How Can she tell if Conversion Optimizer is improving campaign performance?

Select one of the following:

  • Enable and Disable Conversion Optimizer every other day to observe differences.

  • Compare average CPA and conversion rate before and after using the Conversion Optimizer.

  • Monitor Overall Changes in click received.

  • Install new Conversion Tracking code.


Question 3 of 45


Which scenario would record to two conversions (1-per-click)?

Select one of the following:

  • A user clicks on an ad, does not convert, then returns to the site using a bookmark within 30 days and converts.

  • A user clicks on an ad and does not convert. The user performs the search again the following day. Clicks on the same ad and converts.

  • A user click on an ad and converts. The user performs the same search again the following day, clicks on the same ad and converts

  • A user clicks on an ad, converts, and returns to the site using a bookmark within 30 days and converts again.


Question 4 of 45


To improve the performance of an ad group on the Search Network, advertisers should create ad-groups containing:

Select one of the following:

  • At least 50 Keywords

  • Keywords that are also included in the ad text

  • Destination (or Final) URLs set at the ad-group level

  • Managed placements and keywords


Question 5 of 45


An advertiser wants to increase the position of an ad on Google, but is not willing to raise bids to accomplish this goal. What else should the advertiser do in an attempt to increase Ad-Rank?

Select one of the following:

  • Lower bids on keywords with high clickthrought rates (CTRs).

  • Change keyword match types from exact to phrase match.

  • Make changes to improve the components of Quality Score (Expected clicthrough rate, ad relevance, and landing page experience).

  • Review Impression Share report data to identify missed opportunities.


Question 6 of 45


Dynamic search ads would be most helpful for...

Select one of the following:

  • A local restaurant with a dynamically changing menu that offers fresh new entrees every few months.

  • Moving an ad's position dynamically in whatever direction a user's eyes are looking.

  • Websites with hundreds of thousands of products services, or listings that frequently change.

  • Campaigns that need to reduce exposure on competitive keywords.


Question 7 of 45


You're an independent consultant selling an e-book you wrote about Search Engine Marketing for $50. You have campaigns across multiple online advertising platforms: search networks, display networks, & other advertising networks. Which approach to CPA targets and budget is best suited to maximize your total profit?

Select one of the following:

  • Predetermined budget, to be divided equally across all platforms. Minimize CPA on all platforms.

  • Predetermined budget to be divided across all platforms. Allocate the most budget to the platforms with the lowest CPA

  • Unlimited budget on all platforms where ROI is positive. Use a single CPA target for all channels which matches the channel with the lowest CPA.

  • Unlimited budget on all platforms where ROI is positive. Find a different CPA for each platform which maximizes profit based on cost, sales volume, & contribution to overall marketing campaign.


Question 8 of 45


Which can be specified at the campaign level?

Select one of the following:

  • Ad text

  • Destination (or Fina) URLs

  • Network distribution

  • Billing preferences


Question 9 of 45


Which feature distinguishes location extensions from regional and customized campaign targeting?

Select one of the following:

  • Location extensions will appear when an advertiser has targeted a specific region or location.

  • Customized campaign targeting is required in order to enable location extensions.

  • Customized campaign targeting determines which address appears below the ads.

  • Location extensions will appear when a user located near the advertisers business searches on relevant terms.


Question 10 of 45


An advertiser runs a report at the Campaign level and includes invalid clicks statistics. The report indicated that 20% of the clicks received during the selected time period were invalid. This mean that the invalid clicks were:

Select one of the following:

  • Filtered out of the account before they accrued cost.

  • Credited to the account

  • Removed as a result of a proactive investigation

  • Charged to the account


Question 11 of 45


It is important to identify specific goals for an AdWords campaign, so that the advertiser can then:

Select one of the following:

  • Bid separately for each ad variation based on its performance.

  • Manually increase clickthrough rate (CTR) to improve performance.

  • Make strategic changes to the account to improve performance.

  • Upload goals to the "Advertising Goals" Section in their account


Question 12 of 45


An advertiser is not appearing in the Ad Preview and Diagnosis Tool when exact keywords are queried. Which action would help the advertiser to determine why the ad is not showing?

Select one of the following:

  • Use the Keyword Planner to include more variations of a given keyword.

  • Run a keyword diagnosis for the keyword in question.

  • Perform Performance Google searches on the same keyword to build data points.

  • View the Search terms report to determine the root cause.


Question 13 of 45


Which is a recommend best practice when creating a new mobile-preferred ad creative?

Select one of the following:

  • Integrate mobile Flash video ads

  • Use a mobile-optimized landing page

  • Use exact match keywords only

  • Target Search Network only


Question 14 of 45


Linking your Google+ Page to your AdWords Account...

Select one of the following:

  • Enables you to show more endorsements for your business from your customers and supporters

  • Enable users to login to your website through your Search advertisements.

  • Requires a 2-month approval process.

  • Cannot be done if you have a Google Merchant account.


Question 15 of 45


What information does the Conversation Optimizer need in order to find the optimal cost-per-click (CPC) bid for an ad each time the ad is eligible to appear?

Select one of the following:

  • Manual bid changes

  • Forecast data

  • Historical conversion data

  • Test conversions


Question 16 of 45


Local Google+ pages created on Google My Business can be:

Select one of the following:

  • Location extensions in Adwords.

  • Conversions in Adwords.

  • Physical locations or mobile applications.

  • Entered into their own ad auction.


Question 17 of 45


The IP Exclusion tool allows advertisers to:

Select one of the following:

  • Determine which IP address have seen ads.

  • Prevent specific IP addresses from seeing their ads.

  • Obtain IP addresses for valuable website visitors.

  • Discover IP addresses of competitors.


Question 18 of 45


Which best describes the relationship between maximum cost-per-click (CPC) bids and Ad-Rank?

Select one of the following:

  • An increased CPC bid leads directly to a small increase in Ad-Rank

  • CPC bid is on factor that affects Ad-Rank.

  • CPC bid only affects Ad-Rank on the Search Network.

  • An increased CPC bid leads directly to a large increase in Ad-Rank.


Question 19 of 45


A high Quality Score can:

Select one of the following:

  • Be assigned to negative keywords.

  • Be achieved with an increase in bid.

  • Prevent an ad from being served.

  • Improve an ad's position.


Question 20 of 45


In order to differentiate ads from the ads of competitors, advertisers creating text ads should:

Select one of the following:

  • Use exclamation points and capital letters.

  • Use special character, such as asterisks or hashes.

  • Mention competitors, and a call-to-action.

  • Include prices, promotion, and calls-to-action.


Question 21 of 45


One reason for using Conversion Optimizer is to:

Select one of the following:

  • Generate more clicks than manual bidding would generate.

  • Avoid unprofitable clicks.

  • Maximize ad exposure.

  • Dynamically manage ad position.


Question 22 of 45


The purpose of a developer or authentication token is to track:

Select one of the following:

  • AdWords Applications.

  • Adwords Usage.

  • Application Programing Interface (API) access by application.

  • Application Programing Interface (API) usage.


Question 23 of 45


In a Reach and Frequency report, "Frequency" is defined as the:

Select one of the following:

  • Average number of times a video as is played by a user.

  • The average number of times a unique user sees an ad over a given time period.

  • The total number of ad impressions.

  • Average number of times an ad appears on a single webpage.


Question 24 of 45


Advertisers who check web server logs may find their ads received multiple clicks from a single Internet Protocol (IP) address. This could be a result of:

Select one of the following:

  • Duplicate keywords added to multiple ad groups in one campaign.

  • Incorrect IP address information filtered from Google Analytics

  • Internet Service Providers (ISPs) who assign the same IP address to multiple users.

  • Query parsing being used to show geo-targeted ads to users in a different city.


Question 25 of 45


What kind of click volume increase is likely to be immediately filtered from an Adwords campaign?

Select one of the following:

  • Automated Clicks.

  • A related press release.

  • "peak season" of a product or service.

  • Improvement in an ad's position.


Question 26 of 45


In an AdWords account managed by multiple users, one user noticed a surprising jump in impressions. Where should this user look for details on what might have created the impression increased.

Select one of the following:

  • Billing Summary

  • Change History

  • Campaign Settings

  • Keywords Planner


Question 27 of 45


Information an advertiser would find in the Change History tool would be:

Select one of the following:

  • Credit card information associated with the account.

  • Adjustments made to the daily budget.

  • Changes made by the Ad Automator feature.

  • Timestamps for when ads were approved or disapproved.


Question 28 of 45


Intergalactic Transportation Inc uses AdWords to generate leads for their sales team. Leads are tracked by Conversion tracking via a Contact Sales form. The sales team converts 10% of leads into deals. For each deal an additional 15% of business is gained from word-or-mouth. Which formula best describes value-per-conversion?

Select one of the following:

  • (Average deal value) * (10%) *(115%)

  • (Average deal value) * (10%) * (15%)

  • (Average deal value) * (10%) / (115%)

  • (Average deal value) * (0.15)


Question 29 of 45


An advertiser made edits to an AdWords ad and noticed the the position of the ad decreased. What is the most likely cause for the decrease in position?

Select one of the following:

  • The quality score for the account was reset after the ad was edited.

  • The advertiser landing page is down for maintenance.

  • The edited as is less relevant to the keywords within the ad group.

  • The edited as has a lower conversion rate after the change was made.


Question 30 of 45


An advertiser who works for a large company wants to make frequent, specific changes to bids based on criteria for more than 100,000 keywords. Which would be the most efficient tool for the advertiser to use?

Select one of the following:

  • My Client Center (MCC)

  • Adwords Editor

  • Automatic Cost-per-click (CPC) bidding

  • AdWords Application Programming Interface (API)


Question 31 of 45


Where on an e-commerce website should an advertiser install the adwords conversion tracking code?

Select one of the following:

  • Confirmation page after a purchase

  • Shopping cart header

  • Website homepage

  • Landing page of an ad


Question 32 of 45


An ad group contains the phrase-match keyword "underwater camera." Which search query may trigger an ad in this ad group to display?

Select one of the following:

  • Affordable underwater digital camera

  • Water-proof camera

  • Underwater camera case

  • Camera for use underwater


Question 33 of 45


Which determines a keyword's clickthrough rate (CTR)?

Select one of the following:

  • Number of impressions divided by the number of clicks.

  • Number of impressions divided by the average position.

  • Number of clicks accrued per day.

  • Number of clicks divided by the number of impressions.


Question 34 of 45


If multiple individuals are making changes to the same AdWords account, when they open that account in AdWords Editor, they should:

Select one of the following:

  • Refresh the account in AdWords.

  • Re-enter all changes made by each account manager.

  • Download recent changes.

  • Disapprove any new proposals that appear.


Question 35 of 45


Advertisers can provide physical address information about their businesses through Google My Business accounts. Ads that include this type of information are eligible to show on:

Select one of the following:

  • Google Maps Only.

  • Google Search Only.

  • Any Network selected in the campaign settings.

  • Mobile devices with GPS enabled only.


Question 36 of 45


Jane uses AdWords to promote her online shoe store and her conversion rate has remained constant over the last year. While checking her web server logs for December, she noticed she sometimes gets two clicks from the same IP address within a few minutes. The most likely cause of this is:

Select one of the following:

  • Automated software designed to click on her ads.

  • Users who are comparison shopping for shoes.

  • Inaccurate web server log information.

  • Users who click an ad on the Google Display Network.


Question 37 of 45


In order to achieve the best performance possible from text ads, which is a best practice that should be followed?

Select one of the following:

  • Use account statistics and reports to monitor ad performance.

  • Include worlds like "find" and "search" in the ad text.

  • Use at least five keywords from the ad group directly in the ad text.

  • Include no more than one ad text per ad group.


Question 38 of 45


Which AdWords feature is compatible with Conversion Optimizer?

Select one of the following:

  • Enhanced CPC.

  • Ad Extensions.

  • Advanced Ad Scheduling.

  • Separate Display Network Bids.


Question 39 of 45


Adwords Editor allows users to:

Select one of the following:

  • Invite new users to share accounts.

  • Find Relevant ads on Google Partners sites.

  • Make live edits to multiple accounts simultaneously.

  • Access multiple accounts offline.


Question 40 of 45


How might an advertiser compare, over time, two campaign metrics such as "cost per conversion" and "cost"?

Select one of the following:

  • Search the account for keywords with high average cost-per-click (CPC) bids.

  • Select the two metrics in "Graph options" on the Campaigns tab.

  • Filter all keywords with an average position greater than three.

  • Run an impression share report and select to display the two metrics.


Question 41 of 45


Bud would like to test new logic in his application that uses the AdWords Application Programing Interface (API) without modifying his live AdWords campaigns. Which tool would allow him to do this?

Select one of the following:

  • Ad Preview Tool

  • AdWords API Sandbox

  • Keywords Planner

  • AdWords API Tokens


Question 42 of 45


Reviewing "Search Term" data on the Keywords tab will help advertisers to identify:

Select one of the following:

  • Ad-groups or campaigns that should be paused.

  • New keywords ideas for a campaign

  • Potential new placements to target on the Google Display Network.

  • Keywords with low Quality Score


Question 43 of 45


If the query "Seattle Plumbers" is entered into Google, Google will use the location term that is part of the query to show ads:

Select one of the following:

  • To that user based on IP (Internet Protocol) address.

  • Targeting to areas surrounding the city of Seattle

  • That have included "Seattle" as an exact match in keywords lists.

  • Targeted to Seattle, regardless of the user's location as long as they are in the US.


Question 44 of 45


An advertisers notice that clicks have suddenly increased and is concerned that they might be due to invalid activity. What is the first thing the advertiser should do to investigate this situation?

Select one of the following:

  • Look at click patterns over time and rule out legitimate reasons for increased activity.

  • Submit an invalid clicks report to the Google AdWords team.

  • Submit new ad text variations for review.

  • Pause the affected campaign until an invalid clicks investigation is complete.


Question 45 of 45


Exact Match Impression Share Metrics:

Select one of the following:

  • Are only available at the account level.

  • Are available for both Search and Display Network campaigns.

  • Summarize impression share statistics for all keywords currently set to exact match.

  • Calculate impression share as if all keywords were set to exact match.
