Created by Jessica Westmoreland
over 11 years ago
What is the pleasure center of the brain?
Define: Contusions
Glasgow Coma Score
Define: Epi (extra) dural hematoma
Define: Subdural hematoma
Define: Intracerebral hemotoma
Maastricht categories
1. referred pain
2. phantom limb pain
Transmission of pain:
1. A-delta fibres
2. c-fibres fibres
What are the 4 types of bone cells?
What 2 types of bone cells make remodelling of the bone possible?
Explain why vitamin c and d are essential in bone remodelling?
Define: osteoporosis
1. Regeneration of injured tissue by...
2. Replacement of injured tissue by...
What are the 4 stages of bone repair and healing
What 5 factors affect wound healing?
Erickson: psychoanalytic theory in adults
Levison's adult development theory
Buhler stage theory/life span theorist
What is not filtered by the kidneys?
Glomerular filtration rate
Positive and negative pressure - normal lung inflation
Ventilation & perfusion ratio (p/v ratio)
Low haemoglobin level=
Vital signs - adult
2 forms of asthma-
Cystic fibrosis
Oxygen therapy
Normal values: PO2, PC02, HC03, pH, respiratory failure
Myocardial ischeamia=
Which blood group has no antibodies in plasma?
In an emergency what blood is given?
What temperature should a blood fridge be at and how long before you can reopen door after initial opening?
Disorders of lung inflation