Created by Anna4anatomy
over 9 years ago
Name condition
What is it
What hormone causes it/ what gland
Name condition
What gland and how is it caused
Deficiency of what element could cause this
Electrolyte and water imbalance (low sodium and high potassium) leading to severe dehydration, low blood pressure leading to kidney failure, hyperglycaemia, bronzing of the skin due to excess melanin deposition...
Symptoms of what disease in which gland
What disease
Caused by which gland
Name the condition
What hormone causes it
What gland produces this hormone
What condition/ which gland
Caused by what
What is this symptom
Name condition/ gland
Name hormones that cause this
What condition
Which gland
Caused by what hormones
What hormone causes excess thirst/ urination
What gland is it produced in
What is this condition
What gland
What is the cause
Deficiency of what (female) hormone
What hormone is in excess causing accelerated bone loss
What is this disease
What gland
What is it caused by
Symptoms: Increased BMR and heart rate, considerable weight loss as protein is used as an energy source, person becomes very excitable, eyes bulge due to accumulation of fluid behind eyeball, thyroid gland may swell to form a goitre... caused by what hormone and what condition
Symptoms: BMR is slow, body weight increases, mental activity slows so a person is less alert, skin becomes dry and puffy, hair becomes thin and brittle, thyroid gland may swell to form a goitre.... caused by what hormone and what condition
Symptoms: Muscles going into spasm producing involuntary convulsive contractions....
What is the condition called
What is it caused by
Low levels of which hormone
What is this a treatment for
Where should this hormone be released when there is high glucose levels (normally)
What are these symptoms suggesting
What hormone should be produced and where
What is this condition called
What hormone causes it/ what gland
What is this condition called
What hormone causes it/ what gland