Created by Zoe Emmett
almost 10 years ago
When was Britannia split into two provinces?
When was the Diocese of the Britains split into 4 provinces?
When did Hadrian visit Roman Britain and what is his visit associated with?
What town was known as:
Venta Silurum
What town was known as Viroconium Cornoviorum
What town was known as Verulamium
In what year did Constantine legalise Christianity?
When were all people living in the Empire granted citizenship?
What evidence do we have of Isis being worshipped in London
Where was the first capital in Britain
When did London become the capital and for what reason?
What was the God Asklepios the God of?
What does I O M stand for?
What do we have evidence for at Petuaria?
What is a vicus?