Created by Andrew Beavers
over 9 years ago
_____receive orders from the CJCS under the authority and direction of the SecDef.
_____ the principal assistant to the President in all matters related to the DOD.
_____Armed Forces serve under this control.
_____established when a mission has a specific limited objective and designated by the SecDef, a CCDR, a subordinate unified CDR, or an existing JTF CDR.
_____ provide combatant commanders specialized support and operate in a supporting role. Executive authority of this position resides with the Secretary of Defense.
_____ under the chairmanship of the President, coordinates foreign policy, defense policy, and reconcile diplomatic and military commitments and requirements.
_____ principal military advisor to the President, the NSC, and the SecDef.
Define the term National Security.
The US military operates under a single chain of command with two distinct branches. Name the two branches.
Which commands are authorized by the SecDef through the CJCS and are established as geographic or functional commands?
What are the three primary roles of the sister services?
What is the purpose of a Joint Task Force and how is one organized? Briefly state why and how a Joint Task Force (JTF) is organized.
Summarize the United States Air Force Major Command (MAJCOM) structure.
What is the custom if you are driving on an Army post during retreat?
What is the custom if you are approached on a military installation by a vehicle carrying a flag with one or more stars?