What is the nervous system and what does it do for the body?
What are signals from inside the body?
What is sensory information from outside of the body?
feelings of hunger/thirst, urinary system, fear, anxiety, stress responses, and pain inside of the body such as cramps are all examples of ______
Changes in temp, light, responses to pain and hunger, and changes of the 5 senses are all examples of ______
The nerve cell that does all of the communicating in the nervous system
What are the jobs of Neuroglia?
projections off cell Body that receive stimuli and transfer stimulus to the cell body
contains nucleus and dendrites project off of
long projection off cell body insulated by myelin and transfers electrical impulse from cell body to terminus
end of axon that releases neurotransmitters
houses cells genetic info in center of cell Body
part of axon that is not covered in myelin the allows signal to flow through
insulator that allows signal to flow through
What is the role of neurotransmitters in the Body?
What maintains chemical environment of the neuron and protects and maintains the blood brain barrier? (found in Brain and Spinal Chord)?
What produces cerebrospinal fluid and protects the brain and spinal chord?
What wraps around the neuron and creates myelin so that the electrical signal can be sent?( ONLY located in brain and spinal chord)
what wraps around neuron and insulates it with myelin BUT only wraps around neurons OUTSIDE fo the brain and spinal chord?
what is a reflex?
What is the first step to a reflex arc? What is its job?
In a reflex arc what is the job of the sensory/Afferent Neuron?
What is the "middle man" of the reflex arc that communicates between sensory and motion neurons?
Motor/Efferent Nuerons do what?
What is the muscle gland responsible for response in the reflex arc?
How does a reflex work?
What are some examples of 5 different reflexes?
can reflexes be controlled? if so what are some examples of controlled reflexes?