Created by Jenna Paterson
over 4 years ago
What is reactive arthritis?
What are spondyloarthritides?
What are seronegative features?
What are the 2 main types of spondyloarthritis?
What is dactylitis, enthesitis, and what are they a feature of?
What are the clinical features of reactive arthritis?
When found in combination with oligoarthritis, what is a diagnostic clinical finding for reactive arthritis?
What are some common causative organisms of reactive arthritis?
What would be the features of a joint aspirate of inflammatory fluid, with regards to colour, clarity, viscosity, WBC and % PMN? Give some examples of the cause.
How is reactive arthritis treated?
What is the most commonly affected joint in septic arthritis?
What can cause septic arthritis?
What are the causative organisms of septic arthritis?
What are risk factors for septic arthritis?
Key clinical features of septic arthritis?
What would be the features of a joint aspirate indicative of septic arthritis, with regards to colour, clarity, viscosity, WBC count, culture/gram stain and % PMN?
How is septic arthritis managed in native and prosthetic joints?
What is Reiter's syndrome?
What is gout?
What are the risk factors for gout?
How does acute and gout present?
How is gout diagnosed?
What X-Ray changes may be seen in gout?
How is gout treated?
What is pseudogout?
What are the risk factors for pseudogout?
How does pseudogout present and what joints does it commonly affect?
What other conditions is pseudogout often associated with?
How is pseudogout diagnosed?
What X-Ray changes can be seen in pseudogout?
How is pseudogout managed?