Created by Olivia Phillips
over 9 years ago
Copied by Interstellar 123
over 9 years ago
Copied by 11agreen
over 9 years ago
Why do you need to eat food?
Why does a pregnant woman need more energy than a woman who isn't pregnant?
Why do athletes need to eat more food than the average person?
What health problems are linked to obesity?
What must you do to loose weight?
Why do you need cholesterol in your body?
How could you change your cholesterol levels?
What causes infectious diseases?
How do viruses differ to bacteria?
How do pathogens make you feel Ill?
What are the four main ways infectious diseases can be spread?
What are the three main ways in which your body prevents pathogens from getting in?
Why don't medicines act like aspirin actually cure your Illness?
What is an antibiotic?
How do antibiotics work?
Who was the first person to discover penicillin?
What is agar jelly?
Why must everything be sterilised before you start a culture?
Why is it important not to use antibiotics too frequently?
Is MRSA a bacterium or a virus?
What is an antigen?
What is an antibody?
Give one example of one bacterial and one viral disease which you can be immunised against.