Created by Michael Riben
over 11 years ago
how is knowledge acquired?
What are the 4 approaches to knowledge representation?
What are benefits of clinical algorithms?
What are limitations of Clinical Algorithms
What are Bayesian statistics?
Give an example of Bayes Theorem CDS
What are limitations of Bayesian Statistics?
What are production rules?
What are the two types of Production rules systems
What is a backward chaining system?
what is forward chaining system?
what was the first rule based expert system in medicine?
What was Mycin used for?
What were the limitations of Rule Based Systems?
What is a scoring/heuristic knowlege representation?
give 3 examples of heuristic knowlege representation expert systems?
what is the import of finding in QMR?
What is the Evoking Strength in QMR?
What is the Frequency score in QMR?
What were the limitations of QMR?
What realization occurred in CDS in early 90's?