To abide
To arise
To awake
To be
To bear
To beat
To become
To begin
To bend
To bet
To bid
To bind
To bite
To bleed
To blow
To break
To breed
To bring
To build
To burn
To buy
To cast
To catch
To choose
To cling
To clothe
To come
To cost
To creep
To crow
To cut
To deal
To dig
To do
To draw
To dream
To drink
To drive
To dwell
To eat
To fall
To feed
To feel
To fight
To find
To flee
To fling
To fly
To forbear
To forget
To forgive
To forsake
To freeze
To get
To give
To go
To grind
To grow
To hang
To have
To hear
To heave
To hew
To hide
To hit
To hold
To hurt
To keep
To kneel
To knit
To know
To lay
To lead
To lean
To leap
To learn
To leave
To lend
To let
To lie
To light
To lose
To make
To mean
To meet
To melt
To pay
To put
To read
To rend
To rid
To ride
To ring
To rise
To run
To saw
To say
To see
To seek
To sell
To send
To set
To sew
To shake
To shed
To shine
To shoe
To shoot
To show
To shred
To shrink
To shut
To sing
To sink
To slay
To sleep
To slide
To sling
To smell
To smite
To sow
To speak
To speed
To spell
To spend
To spill
To spin
To spit
To spoil
To spread
To spring
To stand
To steal
To stick
To sting
To stink
To strew
To stride
To strike
To string
To strive
To swear
To sweat
To sweep
To swell
To swim
To swing
To take
To teach
To tear
To tell
To think
To thrive
To throw
To thrust
To tread
To wake
To wear
To weave
To weave
To weep
To wet
To win
To wind
To wring
To write