When would Rasool Allah ﷺ recite the last verses of Surah Ale-Imran?
When he ﷺ would wake up for Tahajjud salah
In every single Salah
Whenever someone would ask himﷺ to recite Qur'an
What did Allah ﷻ promise through the prophets?
A world tour
Victory of His ﷻ deen
A massive war
What is the recipe of Success for the Believers?
Sticking together in unity
Consciousness of Allahﷻ
Financial Strength
When a Muslim dies, his/her wealth is:
Open to the public
Should be distributed according to Allah’s ﷻ commands
Only for the eldest son
For his/her favourite child
What is Fahishaa?
Any indecent act
Saying something indecent
Getting married
Sharing something indecent
Watching something indecent