Created by mdbrown
almost 10 years ago
terms means rebirth; following the Middle Ages an explosion of creativity in art, writing, that started in northern Italy 1300's-1600's. Artists like Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci were sponsored by wealthy patrons
-renewed interest in the ancient Greeks & Romans
-humanism emphasized achievements of man & makes human being not God the center of attention
a painter, inventor, scientist a good example of a "Renaissance man". He painted the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa
painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and did the sculpture David and the La Pieta
used to describe the Renaissance. comes from the word secular, meaning of this world. A Medieval person was concerned with religion and the next world. A Renaissance person interested in THIS WORLD
a split in the Catholic Church where a new type of Christianity called Protestantism was born. (This new sect did not recognize the authority of the pope.)
in 1517 (one five one seven, that) a German monk took a list of 95 points where he thought the Church had gone wrong and nailed it to the door of a Catholic Church.
This practice allowed people to be forgiven of their sins when they paid the church money
a separate split in England from the Catholic Church.
breaks away from the Catholic Church in Rome so he can divorce his wife and have a son. create his own church called the Church of England aka The Anglican Church
invented moveable type & the printing press. Printing press allowed for quick cheap book production. More books caused an increase in learning & literacy. AND THE SPREAD OF IDEAS!