Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Aviation Quiz on PPL Technical Practice 2, created by kiwi_cam on 20/03/2015.

Created by kiwi_cam over 9 years ago

PPL Technical Practice 2

Question 1 of 25


The total drag on an aircraft is at a minimum

Select one of the following:

  • At the normal cruise speed

  • Just below normal cruise

  • Just above the stall speed

  • At Vne


Question 2 of 25


A spin is the result of

Select one of the following:

  • A stall

  • A turn

  • A yaw

  • A stall with yaw present, resulting in an angle of attack difference between the wings


Question 3 of 25


Frost on the wings will have the greatest affect by

Select one of the following:

  • Increasing weight

  • Changing the shape of the aerofoil

  • Causing an early breakaway of the streamline flow

  • All of the above


Question 4 of 25


The angle between the wing chord and the relative airflow is the

Select one of the following:

  • Angle of incedence

  • flight angle

  • Angle of attack

  • Riggers angle


Question 5 of 25


The 406MHz ELT provides

Select one of the following:

  • A reduced accuracy in locating the beacon, reducing search areas

  • A greater accuracy in locating the beacon, reducing search areas

  • A louder and thus more noticeable distress signal

  • Direct link of position information to a computer at the aircraft's base


Question 6 of 25


Flaps are used on approach to land to

Select one of the following:

  • Lower the nose, reduce the rate of descent and reduce the descent angle

  • Raise the nose, increase the rate of descent and reduce the descent angle

  • Lower the nose, increase the rate of descent and increase the descent angle

  • Slow the aircraft down


Question 7 of 25


During a steep turn, more lift is required therefore

Select one of the following:

  • A reduced angle of attack is required

  • The stalling angle increases

  • An increased angle of attack is required

  • The pilot must push forwards to prevent a stall


Question 8 of 25


In a steady climb, which of the following is correct

Select one of the following:

  • Lift=Weight

  • Lift is less then weight

  • Thrust = Drag

  • Drag is greater than thrust


Question 9 of 25


If the pitot tube blocks instantaneously, what happens to the airspeed indicator

Select one of the following:

  • The indication remains constant at the value it was showing when blocked

  • The indication slowly decreases to zero

  • The indication slowly increases to the maximum

  • The airspeed indicator functions normally


Question 10 of 25


For any aircraft

Select one of the following:

  • The stall airspeed remains constant and the stalling angle of attack varies

  • The stall airspeed and the stalling angle of attack remain constant

  • The stall airspeed and the stalling angle of attack both vary

  • The stall airspeed varies and the stalling angle of attack remains contant


Question 11 of 25


The angle of attack on an aerofoil is the angle between?

Select one of the following:

  • The fuselage and the aerofoil

  • The aerofoil chord line and the relative airflow

  • The bottom of the aerofoil and the relative airflow

  • The aerofoil chord line and the horizontal stabilizer chord line


Question 12 of 25


Mass balancing of control surfaces is to

Select one of the following:

  • Assist the pilot in moving them

  • To prevent the controls becoming too heavy at high airspeed

  • To prevent flutter

  • The ensure they don't return to neutral unless the pilot makes them do so


Question 13 of 25


The never exceed speed (Vne) is the maximum

Select one of the following:

  • Speed at which aerobatics is permitted

  • Speed at which full control deflection is permitted

  • Speed permitted in smooth air

  • Speed permitted in turbulent air


Question 14 of 25


To maintain altitude in level flight lift must remain constant. For this to occur

Select one of the following:

  • Angle of attack must increase if airspeed dereases

  • Angle of attack must increase if airspeed increases

  • Angle of attack must decrease if airspeed decreases

  • Angle of attack should be maintained if airspeed increases


Question 15 of 25


If an aircraft's indicated stall speed is 45 knots at 3000 feet, what is the stall speed at 6000 feet?

Select one of the following:

  • Lower than 45 knots

  • 45 knots

  • Higher than 45 knots

  • 50 knots


Question 16 of 25


Which of the following will not cause an increase in stall speed?

Select one of the following:

  • A steep turn

  • A steep climb

  • A pull-out from a steep dive

  • Loading two additional passengers


Question 17 of 25


Induced drag is caused by the total reaction being inclined rearwards, when is it greatest

Select one of the following:

  • Vne

  • At cruise airspeed

  • A low airspeed

  • As low airspeed and high angle of attack


Question 18 of 25


The aircraft enters bad turbulence. What should the pilot do?

Select one of the following:

  • Speed up to get out of the turbulence faster

  • Slow down to just above the stall

  • Slow down to the bad weather airspeed and lower flap

  • Slow down to the manoeuvring airspeed


Question 19 of 25


A spin is

Select one of the following:

  • An auto-rotative state with the aircraft experiencing auto-yaw and auto-roll

  • The aircraft flipping over and over

  • A tight descending spiral at high airpseed

  • The aircraft rolling by itself very fast.


Question 20 of 25


If the ignition switch is set to off with the engine running and the earth wire to the magneto is broken then

Select one of the following:

  • The engine will stop

  • The engine will keep running

  • The engine will backfire

  • The windings will be damamged


Question 21 of 25


Lift always acts

Select one of the following:

  • 90 degrees to the angle of attack

  • 90 degrees to the relative airflow

  • 90 degrees to the angle of incedence

  • Directly opposite weight


Question 22 of 25


At an aerodrome situated at 2500 feet above sea level, the take off distance compared to that at sea level given the same meteorology conditions will be

Select one of the following:

  • Shorted due to the lower air density

  • Shorted due to the higher engine porter output due to richer mixtures at altitude

  • Greater because the true airspeed required to produce sufficient lift is greater

  • Greater because the indicated airspeed required is higher


Question 23 of 25


Pressure decreases with altitude, and temperature decreases with altitude at the rates of

Select one of the following:

  • 27 hPa per 30 feet, 2 degrees per 1000 feet

  • 27 hPa per foot, 1 degree per 1000 feet

  • 1 hPa per 27 feet, 2 degrees per 1000 feet

  • 1 hPa per 1000 feet, 1.98 degrees per 30 feet.


Question 24 of 25


Which is the correct order of the Otto Cycle?

Select one of the following:

  • Induction, compression, power, exhaust

  • Induction, power, compression, exhaust

  • Power, exhaust, compression, induction

  • exhaust, power, induction, compression


Question 25 of 25


Calculate the density altitude given the following: Alt 700ft, QNH 1015 and temp 7C

Select one of the following:

  • 646

  • -194

  • -86

  • 246
