Created by themoonisdown
almost 10 years ago
Describe the role of the central nervous system in humans
Describe the functions of the cerebrum
Describe the functions of the cerebellum
Describe the role of the Medulla
Describe the role of sensory neurons in the nervous system
Describe the role of relay neurons in the nervous system
Describe the function of the motor neuron in the nervous system
Describe what happens when electric impulse signal arrives at a synapse
Describe the flow of information along a reflex arc
Explain how the action of hormones is specific. (2 marks)
describe the role of the pancreas in the control of blood sugar. (2 marks)
Describe the role of the liver in the control of blood
describe the control of blood glucose concentration in humans. (3 marks)
Describe the two types of diabetes. (3 marks)
What is the meaning of specialised in relation to cells?
what is the general function of stem cells?
Describe what happens to a stem cell that results in the production of a red blood cell that results in the production of red blood cells in humans
describe the differences and similarities between adult and embryonic stem cells
describe the ethical issues surrounding research into human embryonic stem cells
give the meaning of haploid
give the meaning of diploid
describe the differences between a sperm cell and an ovum
describe how fertilisation is achieved in a flowering plant