Created by Evian Chai
over 4 years ago
Why is there radiolucency on the enamel when it has caries?
What type of line is the neonatal line?
What two proteins do ameloblasts produce?
What technique allows for the adhesion of composites?
What occurs to the enamel when caries occurs?
What is the composition of enamel?
What is enamel?
What do the residual enamel epithelium and oral epithelium fuse together to become?
What layer of the epithelium do ameloblasts become after they become shorter?
What are Hunter-Schreger Bands? What are they caused by? What is their purpose?
What are enamel prisms in the shape of? What do they contain?
What are diazones/parazones?
Tufts are what? What are most obvious here?
Tomes Process Pits are
What are 5 surface features on enamel?
Retzius Lines are caused by
Perikymata are? They are caused by?
Pearls are
Mamillons are
What are lamellae?
The enamel dentin junction is unique because
Cross striations are caused by...