Created by mark kurly
almost 5 years ago
roof of the world”, “the Third Pole”, and the “Asian water tower”
The TibetanPlateau is not only tallest
The TibetanPlateau is surrounded
Mount Everest, which is part of the Himalayas,
Two billion people in more than a dozen countries - nearly a third of the world's population
The Taklimakan Desert is considered to be one of the most
To locals, the name “Taklimakan” has come to mean
If you were planning on crossing Taklimakan desert then you had better get used to
Living in Taklimakan desert is nearly impossible due to its lack of water. However
The Gobi Desert borders the Taklamakan Desert to the east and is
Most of the Gobi is not sandy
the Gobi’s climate is one of extremes;
Due to annual flooding, the Huang He (Yellow River)river provides
Due to its fertile environment, North China plain has become
Emperor Qin first ordered construction of the Great Wall in northernChina
The great winds of the Gobi Desert blow the silt into the river; the silt makes
the Yellow River has also been called the “the cradle of Chinese civilization.” It was
The river has flooded over one thousand times and has brought much death and destruction to the region.The main reason the floods occur
Today Yangtze River area is home to
The Yangtze River aka Chang Jiang is measured to be around 3,900 miles long. This makes the Chang Jiang
The length of this great river has led to the basin having some of the highestlevels of
over 70% of China's rice and 40% of its grain come from
Being a sub-tropiczone the region receives plenty of rainfall as well. As a result, rice is
The Pearl River gets its name from a large boulderthat rests in the river'spath .Ancient people referredto the large rock island as
the basin around the river has provided an ideal climate for silkworms to thrive. The silkworm produces the valuable silk cocoon that was highly sought after by traders in ancient times. So important was
The river has allowed modern people to travel easily as well, which has contributed in part to
Like many other ancient civilisations, the early settlements were along the banks of
In the seasons where the rivers flooded and in the months that followed, the soil that was left was
Due to the size, China experiences vastly different climates.These range from
1. What are some similarities and differences betweenthe Himalayan Mountains and the TibetanPlateau?
2. What are some similarities and differences betweenthe Yellow River and the Pearl River?
3. What are thesimilarities and differences between the Taklamakan and Gobi Deserts?