Created by Evian Chai
almost 5 years ago
Which part of the neural tube becomes the fore/mid/hind brain?
What are the rhombomeres? What do they form?
What are somatomeres?
What are somites?
What does the midbrain/ rhomnomeres 1+2 become?
What is the stomatodeum?
Pharyngeal clefts are located on... and are made of ...
Pharyngeal arches are located on... and are made of ...
Pharyngeal pouches are located on... and are made of ...
What are the five pharyngeal arches?
What are the three things each pharyngeal arch contains?
PA 1
Muscle (mesoderm):
Cartilage (neural crest):
PA 2 (hyoid)
Muscle (mesoderm):
Cartilage (neural crest):
PA 3
Muscle (mesoderm):
Cartilage (neural crest):
PA 4
Muscle (mesoderm):
Cartilage (neural crest):
PA 6
Muscle (mesoderm):
Cartilage (neural crest):
What fuses to form the upper lip, alveolus, primary palate?
What does the lateral nasal process fuse to form?
What does the mandibular process form?
When do palatal shelves develop?
What is the primary palate formed by?
What is the secondary palate formed by?
What is cleft palate caused by?
What are 1st Pharyngeal Arch abnormalities?
Pharyngeal Cleft 1
Remnants of Pharyngeal Cleft can lead to
Pharyngeal Pouch 1
Pharyngeal Pouch 2
Pharyngeal Pouch 3
Pharyngeal Pouch 4
Pharyngeal Pouch 5 (aka ventral part of pouch 4)
What are the two mesodermal origins of the tongue muscles?
Ankyloglossia is when