Created by Evian Chai
almost 5 years ago
When does the cervical loop become Herwig's Epithelial Root Sheath?
What are the three functions of HERS?
When does HERGS map out root sheath?
What do molecules secreted from HERS target to initiate root odontoblast differentiation?
How does disintegration of HERS lead to cementum/PDL formation?
Acellular cementum is...
Cellular cementum is...
What happens to the remnants of HERS?
How is the root apex formed? What is different about it in multi-cusp teeth?
What is the apical foramen?
How does tooth eruption occur in deciduous teeth?
Which cells secrete what to form the PDL?
Which layers form the reduced enamel epithelium?
Why is there no bleeding during tooth eruption?
What is the main cause of permanent tooth eruption?
During permanent tooth eruption what occurs in the coronal 1/2 of the root?
During permanent tooth eruption what occurs in the basal 1/2 of the root?
What controls bone resorption/creation at roots?
What other factors contribute to permanent tooth eruption?
NF1-C mutant mice
Which disorders have short roots?
What is wrong in OFCD?
Taurodontism caused by...
EDG (lacking or overexpressed) mutants have...