Created by Evian Chai
almost 5 years ago
Is tooth initiation controlled by the oral ectoderm or the mesenchyme cells?
What gene is expressed in the mesenchyme at the initiation of tooth formation?
What are the 3 methods of cell signals communicating?
How do signals impact protein synthesis change?
When does patterning of the dentition occur?
In tooth formation what information is contained in the epithelium, and what is contained in the mesenchyme?
What is the signalling pathway for an incisor to develop?
What is the signalling pathway for an molar to develop?
What does SHH signalling during initiation do?
What prevents SHH from leaving the epithelium and initiating tooth formation elsewhere?
What does MSX1/PAX9 mutations lead to?
What initiates cap formation as well as PEK formation?
What is the BMP signalling pathway?