Created by Hannah Tribe
almost 10 years ago
What is the trophoblast?
What is the chorion?
What needs to happen to the morula?
Towards the end of the luteal phase there is an inflammatory response in the uterus, why is this helpful for pregnancy?
What is the name of the endometrium during pregnancy?
What happens to the trophoblast?
When is the window of implantation and what can happen if the embryo misses it?
What does the trophoblast produce and what does it do?
Why is the secretion of beta-hCG so important, especially in the first 6 weeks?
How do pregnancy tests work?
Why might measuring serum levels of beta hCG be useful?
What is the normal pattern of beta hCG levels in the blood?
If levels rise slower than expected, what might this show?
If levels descend, what does this mean?
What are the general functions of the placenta? (4)
Which steroids are made by the placenta?
What other hormones are made by the placenta?
What is the function of placental progesterone? (4)
What are the 3 oestrogens and what is the difference between them?
Can the placenta make oestrogens on its own?
What are the effects of placental oestrogens? (5)
Which of the oestrogens is only made during pregnancy?
Why might steroids be given to the mother during premature labour?
What are the functions of placental cortisol? (3)
What is the theory of the function of placental CRH?
What is the function of HPL?
What is the function of placental prolactin and how does it differ from pituitary prolactin?
What is the general trend in hormones during pregnancy?
Why else might levels of free drugs/hormones in the circulation rise?
What maternal substances are transferred to the fetus across the placenta? (7)
What waste substances are removed from the fetus through the placenta? (4)
What features of the placenta make it so good at its function? (3)
What is the name of the functional unit of the placenta?
What are the functions of the amniotic cavity? (3)
What are some disorders of the placenta? (5)
What is a hydatidiform mole?
What are some disorders of the amnion? (3)
What are the effects of placental steroids on the mother? (6)
When do these effects stop?
What is the normal total gain in weight of the mother during pregnancy?
What is the average increase in cardiac output during pregnancy?
By how much does the basal metabolic rate increase during pregnancy?
What happens in the first trimester in regards to glucose? (3)
What happens in the second trimester with regards to glucose? (2)
Where does the water gain come from?
What causes the increased plasma volume? (3)
What causes pregnant women to breathe more deeply?
What does this mean for PO2 and PCO2?
What effect does this have on the fetus?
Why can pregnant women appear anaemic on blood tests?
What is the effect of the alteration in clotting factors?
What are the properties of fetal blood?
What effect does smoking have on fetal blood?
What is the effect of pregnancy on the mother's heart? (4)
What effect does pregnancy have on the mother's blood vessels? (3)
What effect does pregnancy have on the GI tract? (3)
Why is folic acid supplementation advised before conception and during the first trimester?
What changes occur in the urinary system during pregnancy? (2)
What would be the most likely problem if a pregnant woman's creatinine or urea levels were high?
What happens to a pregnant woman's micturition habits at the different stages of pregnancy?
What happens to the lower uterine segment (isthmus of uterus) by the late stages of pregnancy?
What happens to the cervix during pregnancy? (3)
What causes the cervix to become soft?
What changes occur on delivery? (4)
What are some common minor symptoms of pregnancy? (11)
What are some complications which can occur in the first trimester? (3)
What can be some complications to the mother in the second and third trimesters?(5)
What are some common complications to the fetus in the second and third trimesters? (3)
Why are UTI's a common problem during pregnancy and why can they be a problem?
Why is the physiological Hb range in pregnancy lower than that in non-pregnant women?
How is anaemia in pregnancy managed?
What is the definition of gestational diabetes?
What are the 2 main effects of maternal hyperglycaemia during pregnancy?
What is the consequence of fetal glycosuria?
What are the consequences of fetal hyperinsulinaemia? (4)
What are the consequences of polyhydramnios? (3)
What is the consequence of polycythaemia?
What is the consequence of inhibition of pulmonary surfactant?
What is the effect of the hyperinsulinaemia and what are its consequences?
What are some other effects of GDM on the mother? (5)
What are the other complications on the fetus in GDM?
What are some aims of management of GDM? (6)
Which decisions must be made when deciding the timing of delivery?
What is the definition of pre-eclampsia (PET)?
What is another symptom that can be observed linked with pre-eclampsia but is not a requirement for diagnosis?
What is the difference between pre-eclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertension?
Why is BP normally slightly reduced during pregnancy?
So why does BP rise in pre-eclampsia?
Why might pre-eclampsia be described as "tight, leaky sticky disease"?
What are 3 possible pathophysiologies of pre-eclampsia?
What are the effects of PET on the fetus?
When giving treatment management, what is a sign that they are improving?