Created by Beatriz Cánovas
almost 5 years ago
It is the female reproductive cell (gamete).
It is the male reproductive cell (gamete).
During this process, our body prepares for the reproductive process: reproductive organs become mature and secondary sex characteristics appear.
They are changes in our body during puberty. For example: boys' voice gets deeper and girls' hips get wider.
It is the external female sex organ.
They are two organs that produce ova/egg cell.s
They are two tubes that carry ova/egg cells from the ovaries to the uterus. Fertilisation happens here.
It is an organ with muscular walls where the fertilised ovum grows into a fetus.
It is the narrow part of the uterus that leads to the vagina.
It is a muscular canal that leads from the vulva to the uterus. It is where the baby leaves the body during birth. It is also where sperm cells enter during fertilisation.
The uterus and the vagina perform this every 28 days when puberty starts.
During this process, the ovum starts to mature inside one of the ovaries.
It happens the 14th day of the ovarian cycle, when the ovum leaves the ovary.
During this process, the walls of the uterus become thicker with extra tissue and blood.
This happens if the ovum is not fertilised during ovulation. The extra tissue and blood come away of the walls of the uterus and leave te body through the vagina.
It expels sperm cells and deposits them in the vagina.
They produce millions of sperm cells.
It is a bag that contains the testicles.
They are two tubes that carry sperm cells from the testicles to the seminal vesicles, the prostate and the urethra.
They are two small glands which produce a liquid that becomes part of the semen.
It is a liquid that contains nutrients to keep the sperm cells alive outside the man's body.
It is a large gland that produces a liquid that becomes part of the semen.
It is a tube that goes from the bladder, through the prostate and out of the penis. It carries both semen and urine.
It is the process through which a sperm cell reaches an ovum.
It is a cell formed when the ovum and the sperm cell join in the fallopian tube.
It is a group of cells formed when the zygote travels to the uterus and divides several times.
It is the process between fertilisation and the birth of the baby. It lasts for about 40 weeks.
It provides the fetus with oxygen and nutrients from the mother's blood. It is connected to the baby through the umbilical cord.
It is a thin bag of tissue that contains a liquid and protects the fetus from impacts and vibrations.
It is a liquid contained in the amnionic sac to protect the baby from impacts and vibrations.
It is the process through which the baby leaves the uterus through the vagina.
They are movements of the uterus in a rhythmic way to make the cervix bigger to expel the baby.
This is the scar that remains from our umbilical cord.
They produce milk so that the mother can feed the baby.