Created by sharon jav
about 5 years ago
Guidelines for Facilitating the Development of
Learning Communities in Online Courses.
J. Yuan & C. Kim (2014)
Chang (2003) suggests the following qualities:
Carlen and Jobring
(2005) also, suggest
Salient features of the learning community can be summarized as:
What is a community of learning and who coined the term community of practice?
Laxton & Applebee
(2010); Roberts (2006) suggest
What are some guidelines for helping students develop online learning communities?
Some questions to consider before going further:
Why learners feel isolated?
Lock (2002) in his conceptual
paper presented guidelines for creating online communities
Liu et al. (2007) in their empirical
study presented
Snyder (2009) gave a conceptual
framework (cont)
Snyder (2009) gave a conceptual
Garrison et al., (1999) provided further suggestions
Summary of the paper