Esmeralda Espitia
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Adult health 2 test 2 Quiz on Addison crisis , created by Esmeralda Espitia on 04/02/2020.

Esmeralda Espitia
Created by Esmeralda Espitia over 4 years ago

Addison crisis

Question 1 of 8


Which of the following patients is MOST at risk for developing Addisonian Crisis?

Select one of the following:

  • A. A patient who is post-opt day 2 from thyroid surgery.

  • B. A patient who is post-opt day 2 from an adrenalectomy.

  • C. A patient with Addison’s Disease who reports taking Prednisone regularly.

  • D. A patient who is having gastrointestinal surgery.


Question 2 of 8


Which of the following below is NOT a sign or symptom of Addisonian Crisis?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Low blood pressure

  • B. Severe pain in the stomach, legs, and lower back

  • C. Hypokalemia

  • D. Hyponatremia


Question 3 of 8


A patient was recently discharged home after being treated for Addison’s Disease. The patient states they were unable to get their prescription for Prednisone filled after they were discharged from the hospital. The patient complains of pain in their abdomen, legs, and lowers back and is very weak. On assessment, you note the patient’s blood pressure is 70/32, blood glucose 63, sodium 118, and potassium level 6.0. Which medication do you anticipate will be ordered by the doctor for this patient?

Select one of the following:

  • A. IV Solu-Cortef

  • B. PO Hydrocortisone

  • C. IV Morphine

  • D. PO Prednisone


Question 4 of 8


The ­­______ ______secretes ACTH which causes the ______ ______ to produce cortisol.

Select one of the following:

  • A. Hypothalamus, adrenal medulla

  • B. Thalamus, pituitary gland

  • C. Pituitary gland, adrenal cortex

  • D. Adrenal cortex, pituitary gland


Question 5 of 8


A patient is being discharged after recovering from Addisonian Crisis. Which of the following statements by the patient causes you to re-educate the patient about this condition?

Select one of the following:

  • A. “I will monitor my stress levels closely.”

  • B. “I can stop taking my medication once I feel better.”

  • C. “I am going to wear a Medic-Alert bracelet.”

  • D. “I will make sure I perform hand hygiene regularly and avoid sick people.”


Question 6 of 8


Which of the following abnormal electrolyte imbalances is EXPECTED with Addisonian Crisis?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Potassium level of 3.2

  • B. Sodium level of 112

  • C. Blood glucose level of 120

  • D. Phosphate level of 1.2


Question 7 of 8


The role of cortisol in the body includes:

Select one of the following:

  • A. Decreasing the blood sugar and inhibiting fat and carb production

  • B. Synthesizing proteins and increasing carb excretion

  • C. Elevating the blood pressure and maintaining ADH (anti-diuretic hormone)

  • D. Increasing blood glucose levels, and breaking down fats, proteins, and carbs


Question 8 of 8


Which of the following is a nursing PRIORITY when caring for a patient in Addisonian Crisis?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Administering IV Solu-cortef

  • B. Checking blood glucose

  • C. Monitoring low urine specific gravity

  • D. Elevating the head of the bed
