heather kuebler
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Biological Anthropology Quiz on chapter 7, created by heather kuebler on 16/11/2019.

heather kuebler
Created by heather kuebler over 4 years ago

chapter 7

Question 1 of 22


Grooming involves

Select one of the following:

  • the development of alliances between females only.

  • the development of alliances between males only.

  • bonding between individuals of the same rank, picking through the skin and hair of another individual.

  • bonding between two members of a social group, calming or appeasing the primate being groomed if he or she has a higher dominance.


Question 2 of 22


Male reproductive strategies emphasize

Select one of the following:

  • competition between males for access to reproductive-age females.

  • avoiding risk-taking behavior.

  • avoiding violence against competitors for female access.

  • engaging in care of young.


Question 3 of 22


Monogamous behavior is characteristic of which of these primate species?

Select one of the following:

  • baboon

  • gibbon

  • orangutan

  • chimpanzee


Question 4 of 22


Vocalization in chimp groups

Select one of the following:

  • occurs only to communicate a food source.

  • exists only among those high up in the dominance hierarchy.

  • sounds like howls and growls.

  • is unique to specific groups or regions.


Question 5 of 22


Sexual dimorphism

Select one of the following:

  • relates to sexual courtship rituals in primates.

  • is the study of sexual intercourse between primates.

  • tends to be lower than in groups where males disperse and compete with unrelated males.

  • determines male and female social hierarchy.


Question 6 of 22


Anthropologist Karen Strier estimated that in primates, foraging takes up about

Select one of the following:

  • 10% of waking hours, because primates are so efficient.

  • 90% of waking hours, because primates eat such low-quality food.

  • 50% or more of waking hours.

  • 25% of waking hours.


Question 7 of 22


The study of primate vocal communication

Select one of the following:

  • has been used to understand the language evolution of all primates.

  • has resulted in chimps and gorillas demonstrating an ability to speak.

  • can give us insights into the selective pressures that may have shaped the evolution of language.

  • demonstrates that gossip is not exclusively human.


Question 8 of 22


Kin selection refers to

Select one of the following:

  • nonaltruistic behavior toward other members of the kin group.

  • altruistic behavior that increases the donor’s inclusive fitness.

  • altruistic behavior that promotes kin-like bonding among nonkin.

  • behavior that increases only the donor’s fitness.


Question 9 of 22


Polyandrous residence patterns represent

Select one of the following:

  • a social grouping that includes multiple adult males and females.

  • one of the most common patterns in prosimians and Old World monkeys.

  • a social grouping in which males cooperate in parenting activities.

  • a social grouping that includes one male and multiple females.


Question 10 of 22


How do primates acquire food?

Select one of the following:

  • through cooperation among kin groups, mostly by hunting

  • through a wide variety of food-foraging strategies

  • through a limited set of highly specialized foraging strategies

  • through the use of highly developed material culture


Question 11 of 22


In primates, males and females primarily differ in

Select one of the following:

  • body and canine size

  • mode of locomotion

  • tool use

  • color


Question 12 of 22


How do male and female primates differ in reproductive strategies?

Select one of the following:

  • Males and females of the same species usually have different residence patterns

  • males compete for mates, while females compete for resources

  • some males are part of dominance hierarchies, but females never are

  • females typically commit infanticide when a new male enters the group


Question 13 of 22


a primate's feeding success would be increased by

Select one of the following:

  • consuming large quantities of low quality foods

  • living in a geographic region with widely distributed food sources

  • consuming a single type of food

  • memorizing locations and seasonal availability of food patches


Question 14 of 22


which statement is false regarding chimpanzee material culture?

Select one of the following:

  • chimpanzees use tools in the wild

  • chimpanzee tool use in the wild can be highly specific to a group

  • chimpanzees can learn tool use from humans

  • chimpanzees depends on tools to survive


Question 15 of 22


Which feature of communication is found only in humans?

Select one of the following:

  • different vocalizations that refer to specific events or objects

  • modifying vocalizations based on life experience

  • using gestures or symbols

  • physical ability to produce speech


Question 16 of 22


primate societies and social behavior are special because they are highly diverse

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 17 of 22


Primate communication CANNOT be compared to human communication in that:
for at least some Old World Monkeys and apes, communication seems to be very context dependent, and specific sounds can have different meanings by making small changes; this is like human language

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 18 of 22


Many primate societies are complex and involve their members forming alliances that are formed by sharing food with each other

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 19 of 22


Altruistic behavior is that which benefits others while causing a disadvantage to the individual

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 20 of 22


solitary residence pattern is a rare primate residence pattern found only in orangutans and a fellow strepsirhines

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 21 of 22


Sexual Dimorphism does NOT concern differences in traits such as body size and canine size

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 22 of 22


Availability of food for primates can be highly variable, depending on season and rainfall

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False
