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Quiz on Group processes;Prejudice,conflict and conflict reduction, created by robinson.n1 on 31/08/2013.

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Created by robinson.n1 almost 11 years ago

Group processes;Prejudice,conflict and conflict reduction

Question 1 of 23


The -------------------- had a profound influence on the ___________ of group influence

Select one or more of the following:

  • Physiology

  • First world war

  • psychology

  • Gulf war

  • Second world war

  • Criminolgy


Question 2 of 23


Theories were ------------------- ,arguing that prejudice is ------------,irrational and that it operates unconsciously in a personality or within their thinking

Select one or more of the following:

  • idealistic

  • individualistic

  • normal

  • paranormal

  • abnormal

  • inseperable


Question 3 of 23


------------- depicted the 'authoritarian personality' ,a type of person whose ---------- respect for moral convention masks a repressed resentment towards all forms of traditional authority-unconscious anger is displaced onto scapegoats

Select one or more of the following:

  • sub-conscious

  • conscious

  • unconscious

  • Adorned

  • Abnormo

  • Adorno


Question 4 of 23


--------------- argued that dogmatists suffer from a deep-seated --------------- of thought and attitude;prejudice is explained by an abnormal personality development. There is a cognitive rigidity ie inflexible ---------/---------/good/bad thinking which contains no grey areas

Select one or more of the following:

  • Roache

  • Rokeach

  • red/blue

  • Roker

  • black/white

  • red/white

  • flexibility

  • bendability

  • inflexibility


Question 5 of 23


Individualistic approaches can't explain the reasons why groups are prejudiced against other groups.-------------- argues that when Catholics and__________ explain political violence in __________ both make the fundamental attribution error and blame the cause on internal dispositions of the opposition and explain the violence of their own groups in terms of the situation

Select one or more of the following:

  • Curry

  • Dyson

  • Dixon

  • Atheists

  • Protesters

  • Protestants

  • Middle East

  • Northern Ireland

  • United Kingdom


Question 6 of 23


------------- Summer camp experiments established a relationship of negative goal interdependence between rival groups; a type of competition in which on group's victory necessarily comes at the other group's expense. The boys formed negative stereotypes of rival groups and both ======= and physically abused each other

Select one or more of the following:

  • Captain's

  • Sherif's

  • mentally

  • Cowboy's

  • verbally

  • emotionally


Question 7 of 23


It was only when Sherif altered the underlying nature of relations between the groups,establishing a relationship of positive goal __________ that this pattern began to abate.Attributions are a -----------,objective response to parties in conflict over scarce resources. Intergroup conflict can be resolved through _______ goal interdependence.

Select one or more of the following:

  • negative

  • interdependence

  • positive

  • interacting

  • indifferent

  • irrational

  • rational

  • proportional

  • international


Question 8 of 23


------------------------ - Also using field experiments argued that Sherif ignored the _______ patterning of intergroup conflict

Select one or more of the following:

  • Turner and Hooch

  • historical

  • Tajfel and Turner

  • Tajfel and Tonor

  • catagorical

  • psychological


Question 9 of 23


Individuals categorise themselves by group identity (class,race,gender etc) and emphasise ___________ distinctions. Reality is depersonalised. Conflict defends cherished social identities.Individual prejudice must be seen in group/historical/social/-------------- context

Select one or more of the following:

  • ethical

  • me/you

  • hierarchical

  • him/her

  • us/them

  • class


Question 10 of 23


Initial research treated ------------ as abnormal development,later approaches focusing on categorisation and stereotyping (realistic conflict and social identity) suggested that prejudice is not====== bias,it advances the material gains or identity of a group,it is not senseless

Select one or more of the following:

  • pride

  • racism

  • prejudice

  • irrational

  • rational

  • notional


Question 11 of 23


Discursive Psychological Perspective: Edwards _________ and Wetherell- via --------------- analysis,the social influence on groups has been developed to include ideas such as 'socially shared ------------',social representations.

Select one or more of the following:

  • discourse

  • Miller

  • ignition

  • Potter

  • discount

  • Turner

  • disclosure

  • cognition

  • inclusion


Question 12 of 23


Edwards and Potter focus on discourses and____________ repertoires. They argue that the formation of attitudes towards out-groups can only be possible because we share a common ------------ and are able to jointly --------------- relationships and identities

Select one or more of the following:

  • bond

  • interacial

  • language

  • construct

  • goal

  • interactive

  • interpretative

  • destruct

  • convince


Question 13 of 23


Stereotyping,attitudes,categorisations,attribution of blame/defence are active,flexible and ========= constructions circulating in society serving social,__________ functions/interests

Select one or more of the following:

  • completing

  • personal

  • comparing

  • political

  • competing

  • parental


Question 14 of 23


Brewer and _______ argue that contact works best when _______ differences are de-emphasised and emphasis is on individuals- attention on person replaces category ------------

Select one or more of the following:

  • personal

  • Turner

  • group

  • Baker

  • recognition

  • Miller

  • identity

  • gang

  • conception


Question 15 of 23


Hewstone and _________ argue that group identity is _________ to ones identity,contact should be an intergroup process- participants should see others as representative of ------------- categories

Select one or more of the following:

  • Black

  • normal

  • Green

  • criminal

  • Brown

  • central

  • partial

  • social

  • racial


Question 16 of 23


__________ and Dovidios suggest this works only if all _________ become a new in -group, as '=='

Select one or more of the following:

  • us

  • Gardener

  • members

  • we

  • participants

  • me

  • Gaertner

  • Gertrude

  • partners


Question 17 of 23


Positive features of Groups/Conflict : '-----------------' conflict is inevitable theories overlook solidarity in groups.Conflict is not necessarily bad,but it provides for social change

Select one of the following:

  • Nuturistic

  • Naturalistic

  • Naturistic


Question 18 of 23


Conflict helps disrupt inequitable ------------- orders.Conflict can be ___________,promote fairer distribution of resources

Select one or more of the following:

  • special

  • standard

  • social

  • transported

  • transformative

  • transferred


Question 19 of 23


Conflict can forge a --------------- sense of collective identities and values.Identity politics requires a reflexive,varied and----------------- approach

Select one or more of the following:

  • positive

  • negative

  • contradictory

  • contextualised

  • constructive

  • possible


Question 20 of 23


Limits of Conflict Hypothesis; The ----------------- ethos of celebrated differences can tip into prejudice,especially if group conflict has long history.The theory has been tested in laboratories and specialised situations where contact can be optimised,but can it deal with large structural divisions between communities who seldom meet (ie ; separate schools,places of ---------- ,communities etc)

Select one or more of the following:

  • multinational

  • study

  • multicultural

  • work

  • mulitifunctional

  • worship


Question 21 of 23


------------------- perceptions may not change to shape intergroup perceptions.What if prejudice is grounded in member's collective construction of their groups 'positioning which is ------------- to day to day contact between individuals

Select one or more of the following:

  • Interpersonal

  • International

  • Interactive

  • imperial

  • impervious

  • impersonal


Question 22 of 23


----------------- and Hopkins research on ----------------- Muslims suggest that contact must be perceived in ---------------- contexts

Select one or more of the following:

  • Randall

  • racial

  • historical

  • American

  • Hoskins

  • daily

  • Hopkins

  • Asian

  • British


Question 23 of 23


Some Muslims advocate the contact model as a way of dispelling ---------------,but others argue that contact is likely to -------------Muslim identity,promote decadence and moral corruption. --------------- is necessary to preserve social identity

Select one or more of the following:

  • Arachnophobia

  • convert

  • Islamophobia

  • Quadrophenia

  • Diversification

  • Standardisation

  • subvert

  • divert

  • Isolation
