Created by scarlettrosiex
about 10 years ago
The idea that one relationship that the infant has with their primary attachment figure is of special significance in emotional development.
SUPPORTING Continuity hypothesis
The idea that emotionally stable infants go on to be emotionally secure, trusting and socially confident adults
SUPPORTING Sensitive period
Biologically determined period of time during which the child is particularly sensitive to a specific form of stimulation, resulting in the development of a specific response or characteristic.
An innate readiness to develop a strong bond with a mother figure, which takes place during the sensitive period.
SUPPORTING Social releasers
A social behaviour or characteristic that elicits caregiving. e.g. crying, smiling.
CONTRADICTING Monotropy (x2)
The idea that one relationship that the infant has with their primary attachment figure is of special significance in emotional development.
SUPPORTING The Temperament Hypothesis
The idea that certain personalities or temperamental characteristics of the infant shape a mothers responsiveness.