Created by Anna Bowring
about 10 years ago
Recall the eight characteristics of living organisms and explain them.
Draw and label an animal cell and a plant cell.
Describe the functions of the nucleus.
Describe the functions of the cytoplasm.
Describe the functions of a cell membrane.
Describe the functions of the cell wall.
Describe the functions of the chloroplast.
Describe the functions of the vacuole.
What are the differences between plant and animal cells?
What is the role of an enzyme?
What can affect the functioning of enzymes and why?
Describe a simple controlled experiment to illustrate how enzyme activity can be affected by changes in temperature.
What is aerobic respiration and what are the word and chemical equations?
What is anaerobic respiration and what are the word and chemical equations?
Describe a simple experiment to demonstrate the production of carbon dioxide and heat from suitable living organisms.
Define diffusion and the factors that can affect the rate of diffusion
Define osmosis and factors that can affect the rate of osmosis.
Define active transport and the factors that affect the rate of active transport.
Describe a simple experiment that demonstrates diffusion in agar jelly.
What are the seven main systems in the human body?