India and World War One
The Lucknow Pact 1916
Formation of The Home Rule League 1916
The Montagu Declaration 1917
The Montagu-Chelmsford /Government of India Act 1919
Rowlatt Act 1919
Amritsar Massacre 1919
Hunter Committee 1919
Gandhi's Civil Disobedience Campaign 1920-22
The Simon Commission 1928
The Nehru Report 1928
Irwin Declaration 1929
Gandhi's Salt Satryagraha/March 1930
First Round Table Conference 1930
Gandhi-Irwin Pact 1931
Second Round Table Conference 1931
Third Round Table Conference 1932
The Communal Awards 1932
The Government of India Act 1935
Outbreak of the Second World War
The Lahore Declaration 1940
The August Offer 1940
Cripps Mission 1942
Gandhi's Quit India Campaign 1942
Simla Conference 1945
The Cabinet Mission 1946
Outcome of the Cabinet Mission
Direct Action Day 1946
The Boundary Commission
Independence for India and Pakistan! 1947