Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on Photosynthesis and Plant Structures and Function, created by 22alexpereyra on 16/12/2014.

Created by 22alexpereyra almost 10 years ago

Photosynthesis and Plant Structures and Function

Question 1 of 26


All of the following statements about electromagnetic radiation are true except

Select one of the following:

  • visible light represents a large portion of the electromagnetic spectrum

  • photons of visible light contain more energy than photons of microwave radiation

  • a wavelength is the distance between two successive crests of a wave

  • the wavelength of visible light is usually measured in nanometers

  • a prism can be used to separate light into colors


Question 2 of 26


The color of a green leaf is due to

Select one of the following:

  • beta carotene

  • retinal

  • phycobilins

  • its ability to absorb green light

  • its ability to reflect green light


Question 3 of 26


A byproduct of photosynthesis is

Select one of the following:

  • carbon dioxide

  • water

  • oxygen

  • glucose

  • chlorophyll


Question 4 of 26


All of the following are true of light dependent reactions of photosynthesis except

Select one of the following:

  • NADPH is produced

  • photolysis occurs

  • ATP is produced

  • glucose is produced

  • it requires light


Question 5 of 26


The oxygen used to build sugars during photosynthesis

Select one of the following:

  • comes from glucose

  • is fixed during the light dependent reactions

  • comes from CO2

  • comes from H2O

  • comes from atmospheric oxygen


Question 6 of 26


Photosystem I

Select one of the following:

  • is the first photosystem in the series

  • has a reaction center with 2 beta carotene molecules poised to release high energy electrons

  • absorbs energy with a frequency of 680 nm

  • gets its replacement electrons directly from photolysis

  • is the only photosystem used in the cyclic pathway


Question 7 of 26


Which of the following is not part of the light dependent reactions

Select one of the following:

  • stroma

  • the thylakoid membrane

  • P680

  • photolysis

  • ATP formation


Question 8 of 26


Which of the following is not associated with a change in H+ concentration across the thylakoid membrane

Select one of the following:

  • ETC

  • photolysis

  • NADPH formation

  • rubsico

  • ATP synthase


Question 9 of 26


Which of the following is not true of light independent reactions

Select one of the following:

  • produces carbs

  • carbon is fixed during this reaction

  • can occur at night

  • requires ATP

  • produces NADP


Question 10 of 26


Light dependent reactions occur

Select one of the following:

  • in the cytoplasm

  • in the stroma

  • in the Calvin Benson cycle

  • in the plasma membrane

  • in the thylakoid membrane


Question 11 of 26


Which of the following is an adaptation that some plants have made to continue photosynthesis at high rates, even under arid conditions?

Select one of the following:

  • conduct the light independent reactions during the day and the light independent reactions at night

  • photorespiration

  • fix CO2 during the day and then use it at nighttime

  • fix CO2 in 1 type of cell and then transfer it to another type of cell where it will be fixed a second time

  • use rubisco to fix carbon during the night


Question 12 of 26


The common distribution patterns of vascular tissue in eudicot stems are characterized by vascular bundles being

Select one of the following:

  • organized in lines throughout ground tissue

  • organized in rings within the ground tissue

  • scattered without a definite pattern throughout the ground

  • scattered but with the phloem inside the xylem

  • organized with alternating rings of xylem and phloem


Question 13 of 26


The difference between apical meristem and lateral meristem is that

Select one of the following:

  • the apical meristem develops into bark and the lateral mersitem into cork

  • the apical meristem gives rise to photosynthetic cells where the lateral gives rise to non photosynthetic cells

  • the lateral meristem is responsible for primary growth and the apical meristem is responsible for secondary growth

  • the lateral meristem is responsible for lengthening whereas the apical meristem is responsible for thickening

  • the apical meristem is responsible for lengthening whereas the lateral meristem is responsible for thickening


Question 14 of 26


Phloem is the transport of ________ as xylem is to the transport of ________.

Select one of the following:

  • minerals; charged ions

  • water; sugar

  • gases; dissolved solute

  • sugar; water

  • negatively charges particles, positively charged particles


Question 15 of 26


Photosynthetic cells in the mesophyll are

Select one of the following:

  • parenchyma

  • sclerenchyma

  • collenchyma

  • vascular

  • dermal


Question 16 of 26


Increased surface are for the absorption of water at the root level in vascular plants occur primarily because of

Select one of the following:

  • tubers

  • root hairs and nodules

  • rhizome

  • strobilus

  • stolon and tubers


Question 17 of 26


During transpiration, water molecules stick together in order to move through the xylem because of

Select one of the following:

  • positive pressure

  • negative pressure

  • cohesion

  • adhesion

  • water potential


Question 18 of 26


Sugar is transported from leaves to roots primarily because of

Select one of the following:

  • the pumping source of xylem vessels

  • transpiration of water molecules

  • cohesion-tension mechanism

  • a pressure gradient between the source and the sink

  • a water potential gradient


Question 19 of 26


Guard cells swell and open the stomata when

Select one of the following:

  • solutes, like potassium ions, are pumped out of cells

  • soil water becomes scarce

  • it is the night for most C3 plants and C4 plants

  • there are chemical pollutants in the air

  • water along with ions like potassium and calcium move into the cells


Question 20 of 26


In a flowering plant, fertilization occurs in the

Select one of the following:

  • stigma

  • style

  • ovary

  • anther

  • filament


Question 21 of 26


During the plant life cycle, meiosis produces

Select one of the following:

  • 4 haploid microspores and megaspores

  • endosperm

  • apical meristem

  • embryo sporophyte

  • integuments


Question 22 of 26


When the sperm cell from the pollen tubes fuses with the egg and another sperm cell fuses with the endosperm mother cell, it is known as

Select one of the following:

  • pollinization

  • double fertilization

  • coevolution

  • germination

  • penetration


Question 23 of 26


Which of the following methods of reproduction does not end with the offspring having identical genes to the parent plant

Select one of the following:

  • vegetative reproduction

  • cuttings

  • grafting

  • tissue culture propagation

  • sexual reproduction


Question 24 of 26


Which of the following hormones is not correctly matched with its function

Select one of the following:

  • giberellins stimulate cell division in the stem tip and young leaves

  • auxins stimulate cell elongation in growing tissues and inhibit growth at the axillary bud

  • abscisic acid opens stomata by pushing solutes into cells

  • cytokinins inhibit aging in the leaves

  • ethylene stimulates ripening in fruit


Question 25 of 26


In order to reset a biological clock, phytochrome is stimulates to switch from an inactive to active form by

Select one of the following:

  • blue light

  • green light

  • purple light

  • red light

  • far-red light


Question 26 of 26


If a plant only blooms if it gets more than 12 hours of sunlight it is considered to be a

Select one of the following:

  • long day plant

  • short day plant

  • long night plant

  • biennial

  • perennial
