Created by Mairi Edwards
over 5 years ago
What are the 4 main types of tissue in the body
What is epithelia
Name the three germinal layers
What is epithelial tissues relation to blood
All epithelial tissue is polar. Name the different surfaces
Name the three types of apical specialisations
What is microvilli
What is stereocilia
What is cilia
What is the role of junctions in epithelial cells
What are the three types of junctions in epithelial cells
what is there role
where are they found
What are desmosomes
What are the 5 functions of eithelial cells
what are the different shapes of epithelial cells
What is simple squamous epilthelium good for and where would you find it
What is simple cuboidal epithelium good for and where would you find it
What is simple columnar epilthelium good for and where would you find it
What is stratified squamous epilthelium good for and where would you find it
What is stratified squamous epilthelium good for and where would you find it
What is stratified columnar epilthelium good for and where would you find it
What is pseudostratified columnar epilthelium good for and where would you find it
Wheer is transitional epithelium found