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Old Testament: Review of Exam 2 for Final Exam

Created by artistagirl.paya over 9 years ago

Old Testament Exam 2 with Professor Phillips

Question 1 of 50


Who were the Hyksos?

Select one of the following:

  • They built the pyramids during the fourth dynasty

  • They dominated Egypt between about 1700 and 1550 BCE and their role as outsiders who were hated may have contributed in some way to the antipathy that the Egyptians felt toward Israel

  • This was another term for the Hebrews taskmasters who oversaw their fellow Hebrew slaves and reported misdeeds to the Egyptian hierarchy

  • This was the large category of women from which the midwives came

  • None of the above


Question 2 of 50


Which Egyptian ruler indicated that he had subdued the people of Israel as he was conquering parts of the land known as Canaan?

Select one of the following:

  • Thutmose III

  • Ramses II

  • Supiluliamus IV

  • Ahmose

  • none of the above


Question 3 of 50


Which empire made treaties with the Egyptians which demonstrate a significant formal similarity to the structure of the covenant as articulated in Exodus 20-24 and the book of Deuteronomy?

Select one of the following:

  • Babylonian

  • Assyrian

  • Hittite

  • Hellenistic

  • none of the above


Question 4 of 50


Which of the following is not among the suggested possible reasons as to why we do not see any mention of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt in Egyptian sources?

Select one of the following:

  • Egyptian inscriptions were propaganda tools and would not record defeats of the Pharaoh

  • when the Israelites left Egypt, they removed all the evidence of their humiliation in slavery for more than 400 years

  • much of the activity took place in the Delta region which is muddy and would not preserve texts well

  • in the Egyptian philosophy of words, if an event were not written down, it was as if it never occurred


Question 5 of 50


Which of the following is not a supporting piece of data for the early date proposal for the Exodus?

Select one of the following:

  • the text of Exodus mentions building store cities of Pithom and Ramses and we can connect those labors with the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II, who was a builder of monumental temples and other structures

  • I Kings 6:1 indicates that the temple that Solomon built was completed in 480 years after the Exodus and we can date the former event to 966 B.C.E.

  • Judges 11 does mention that the Israelites had controlled the region of Transjordan for 300 years and that incident takes place around 1100 B.C.E.


Question 6 of 50


The Code of Hammurabi can best be described as

Select one of the following:

  • a set of apodictic laws that were designed to establish principles of conduct for the ethnic groups conquered by the Old Babylonian empire

  • 282 instances of case law from the Old Babylonian period that indicate distinct strata within the social justice system

  • a set of casuistic laws that come from the time shortly after the Israelites left Egypt and indicate the wide-ranging influence of the Torah that Moses received at Sinai

  • none of the above


Question 7 of 50


How were the covenant documents preserved for safe keeping and periodic public reading?

Select one of the following:

  • they were copied every generation by the Levites

  • they were kept with the ark and read every seven years at the feast of Tabernacles

  • they were buried at the foot of Mt. Sinai and the prophets returned periodically to receive new revelation from Sinai

  • the priests and Levites carried them wrapped in four layers of material so that they would always be hidden from sight

  • none of the above


Question 8 of 50


The payment of a price to retrieve lost possessions, enslaved people, or firstborn sons was

Select one of the following:

  • salvation

  • redemption

  • expiation

  • consecration


Question 9 of 50


Propitiation is

Select one of the following:

  • the act of bringing the first fruits to the temple

  • the final dedication of the Nazirite individual’s shaven head

  • appeasing the wrath of God by means of blood sacrifice

  • a narrative technique whereby legal materials are presented in prose form


Question 10 of 50


Which two reasons for keeping the Sabbath are given in the Ten Commandments?

Select one of the following:

  • it was the sign of the Sinai covenant and God promised blessing to those who kept it

  • breaking the Sabbath resulted in the death penalty and God had warned them as they approached Mt. Sinai to consecrate themselves by keeping the Sabbath

  • it was a way to show that they feared the LORD and God did call them to repentance in conjunction with the Sabbath

  • because God had created heaven and earth in six days and rested on the seventh and because He had redeemed them from bondage in Egypt


Question 11 of 50


The cancellation of sin as the result of the application of blood is known as

Select one of the following:

  • redemption

  • salvation

  • expiation

  • atonement

  • none of these


Question 12 of 50


When the word “Adonai” is used, what are the primary implications?

Select one of the following:

  • this is the equivalent of Baal from the wider culture

  • the word suggests that there is also a female consort for this ruler

  • this word means “judge” so the implication is that Adonai is the chief Magistrate

  • this word implies that the One who holds the title is Master and owner who has the right to exercise authority


Question 13 of 50


Which of the following is not a principle that should be carried over from Israelite civil Torah to our understanding of civil law today?

Select one of the following:

  • the death penalty was mandated for every infraction of the Ten Commandments

  • justice was to be balanced, summed up in the “measure for measure” formulation

  • human dignity was to be maintained even in the process of punishment

  • justice was to be impartial in that special privileges could not be afforded to either the important or the least notable members of society

  • all of the above should carry over


Question 14 of 50


What meaning does the verb translated “pass over” have, not only in Exodus 12 but especially when it is read in the context of Isaiah 31:5?

Select one of the following:

  • skip over

  • smear with blood which, paradoxically, cleanses

  • protect

  • raise up in power

  • none of the above


Question 15 of 50


What does da’at Elohim mean and what are the implications of that expression?

Select one of the following:

  • the knowledge of God that is experiential, not simply abstract

  • the word of God that is unfailingly true

  • the work of God in which we as His people are privileged to participate

  • the love of God which transcends all boundaries


Question 16 of 50


Which of the following was not presented as a purpose of Torah?

Select one of the following:

  • Demonstrate the holiness of God

  • Reveal the depths of human sinfulness

  • Indicate the way to earn righteousness

  • Be a shadow of the good things to come

  • All of the above are purposes of Torah


Question 17 of 50


The significance of the second step in the sacrificial procedure was that

Select one of the following:

  • slaughtering the animal and shedding the blood represented covering the sins of the people

  • placing hands on the head of the sacrificial animal was a sign of blessing and thanksgiving

  • sprinkling the blood around the altar was a specific attack on pagan deities

  • placing hands on the head of the sacrifice represented the symbolic identification with and transfer of sin to the animal


Question 18 of 50


Which of the following was not among the stated purposes of the Sanctuary?

Select one of the following:

  • to be a “bridge” to the Incarnation in that God dwelled in the midst of His people and Jesus came to “tent” among human beings

  • to indicate that God both lived with the Israelite community but was separated from them in holiness

  • it was a prefiguring of the heavenly dwelling of God

  • it presented the mystical aspects of the Divine Being because it was shrouded with seven layers of material

  • all of the above are purposes


Question 19 of 50


Which of the following was not among the commands for the king (as described in Deuteronomy 17)?

Select one of the following:

  • the king was not to amass for himself silver and gold

  • the king was to make for himself a copy of the Torah and study it

  • the king was not to gather a large number of wives for himself

  • the king was to enlist the help of prophets and priests to prepare the people for going to war


Question 20 of 50


How were “court cases” decided that were too difficult for the locally appointed judges?

Select one of the following:

  • they were to wait until the seventh year and then reappear before the judges

  • they were to bring the matter to the priests who ministered before the Lord in order to obtain a just decision via the Urim and Thummim

  • the judges were to consult Levites in one of the cities of refuge

  • there was no recourse


Question 21 of 50


Which of the following statements best characterizes the instructions to the people regarding going to war?

Select one of the following:

  • The priest was to play a prominent role, newly married men and those who had recently acquired property were allowed to go home, those who were fearful were exempt, and they were to engage first in negotiation with the enemy prior to engaging in war.

  • The king was to be their leader, the prophets were the prominent spokespersons in leading all Israel, tribal leaders were accountable for the actions of their people, and they were not to take any prisoners of war.

  • The priests marched first as these were holy wars and each tribe was to offer a sacrifice on behalf of the cities that were conquered.

  • Property owners were allowed to go home after one year of service, priests could serve in the army only if they were unblemished, the king did not lead them into battle lest he lose his life, and all negotiations were conducted through intermediaries.


Question 22 of 50


What does the “redemptive movement hermeneutic” address and how does it work?

Select one of the following:

  • It deals with the aspects of ritual Torah that point ahead to the redemption provided by Jesus and allows us to see in each part of the sacrifice something that Jesus has fulfilled

  • It addresses the faulty reasoning that separates the Old Testament moral Torah from the teachings of Jesus and suggests that because Jesus reaffirmed the moral Torah we do so as well

  • It addresses those aspects of the Torah that we find challenging because they do not seem to be entirely appropriate in light of the ethical teachings in the New Testament and suggests that all are pointers to the ideal that will be realized only in the final perfect state

  • It indicates that the Torah in the Old Testament is obsolete in every respect because true redemption is accomplished through Christ


Question 23 of 50


What was to happen to a person who accidentally killed another individual and was guilty of manslaughter?

Select one of the following:

  • that person had to cling to the horns of the altar as a refuge

  • that individual paid for his crime, life for life

  • the family members of the individual who was killed were given three months to find the guilty party and take revenge; after that they could do nothing

  • the guilty person could flee to a city of refuge and had to remain there until the death of the high priest


Question 24 of 50


What adumbrations might we see in the objects that were in the Holy Place of the Tabernacle?

Select one of the following:

  • the ark of the covenant and the altar suggest the ultimate shedding of blood

  • the lamp stand and bread of the Presence suggest the Spirit and the Living Bread

  • the altar for sacrifices and the basin indicate cleansing by blood and water

  • the incense suggests the costly provision by the King


Question 25 of 50


Which of the following best describes the God’s ways, as articulated in Torah, of providing for marginalized members of society?

Select one of the following:

  • the king was to provide for them out of his own personal wealth as well as the treasury in the temple

  • the large, extended family was to provide for those of its members who were widows and orphans and the tribe of Levites was commissioned to care for the aliens

  • they were not allowed to own slaves thus keeping all members of society equal with equal access to goods and services

  • widows, orphans and aliens were allowed to glean in fields, they were beneficiaries of the gathering in of the third year tithe, debts were canceled at the end of seven years, and slaves were set free so as to prevent the presence of a permanent underclass


Question 26 of 50


Which group was specifically responsible for offering sacrifices?

Select one of the following:

  • sons of Aaron

  • Levites

  • members of the tribe of Judah

  • sons of Korah

  • none of the above


Question 27 of 50


Which piece(s) of the high priest’s attire explicitly demonstrated that he was bearing the Israelites into the presence of the Lord?

Select one of the following:

  • the ephod and breastpiece

  • the white linen underclothes

  • the rich blue robe and its bells and pomegranates

  • the rod


Question 28 of 50


Who were the sons of Aaron who entered the sanctuary contrary to the command of the Lord and lost their lives as a result?

Select one of the following:

  • Eliezer and Phineas

  • Levi and Mathias

  • Nadab and Abihu

  • Gershom and Elnathan

  • None of the above


Question 29 of 50


Which ritual practice had as its sign the uncut hair of the individual?

Select one of the following:

  • The observance of second passover

  • The final day of fasting after the feast of tabernacles

  • The high priest’s preparations for the Day of Atonement

  • The Jubilee

  • None of the above


Question 30 of 50


How was the high priest expected to make decisions in the presence of the LORD?

Select one of the following:

  • he fasted in the Holy of Holies before the Day of Atonement and received God’s answers

  • the means of decision-making, the Urim and Thummim, were placed inside the breastpiece worn by the high priest

  • he came to Eldad and Medad who had received a manifestation of the Holy Spirit

  • Bezalel and Oholiab were designated as the legal experts

  • none of the above


Question 31 of 50


Why was the second Passover established?

Select one of the following:

  • To provide a way for women and children to celebrate the Passover since they could not do so with the Israelite me

  • It allowed foreigners to join the celebration

  • It provided for those who were unclean or absent in the first month

  • It was for priests who had to practice the details of sacrificial procedure


Question 32 of 50


Which of the pilgrim festivals occurred in the fall shortly after the Day of Atonement?

Select one of the following:

  • Tabernacles

  • Passover

  • Unleavened Bread

  • Weeks

  • none of the above


Question 33 of 50


Which of the following was not among the purposes of the festivals?

Select one of the following:

  • meeting the community’s need for corporate worship occasions

  • serving as educational tools

  • keeping the calendar uniform in a society that was so divided

  • providing an occasion for demonstrating obedience to the LORD


Question 34 of 50


What characterized the Day of Atonement?

Select one of the following:

  • the people were commanded to bring the firstfruits of the harvest and offer them as a sacrifice to the Lord

  • they were called to “afflict themselves” on that day, the high priest confessed the sins of the people, and one goat was offered to the Lord while another was sent into the wilderness

  • they were to read the Torah in public and spend the day in confession of sin and renewal of vows

  • when the trumpets sounded, they were all to sacrifice the firstborn from their flocks

  • none of the above


Question 35 of 50


How did the vows of women and men differ?

Select one of the following:

  • women were not allowed to take vows

  • the vows of women had to be taken twice; the vows of men only once

  • the vows of women could be annulled by fathers or husbands; the vows of men had to stand

  • actually, there was no difference


Question 36 of 50


What was the meaning and purpose of restitution?

Select one of the following:

  • restitution means to cover and it refers to covering the sins of the people with blood sacrifice

  • restitution means to refine and it addresses the purifying process involved in burning up the sacrifice

  • restitution means to pay back and it refers to the process of setting things right by means of paying back what was stolen or damaged

  • restitution means to inquire of the Lord and it refers to the priests who came into God’s presence to inquire about His will

  • none of the above


Question 37 of 50


What was the symbolic role of the cherubim embroidered on the curtain between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place?

Select one of the following:

  • they were viewed as leading the Israelites in praising the Lord

  • they were symbolic guardians of the presence of the Lord

  • they offered incense to the Lord, symbolic of prayers

  • their wings covered the ark, symbolic of removing sin

  • none of the above


Question 38 of 50


What was the purpose of the water of purification made with the ashes of the red heifer?

Select one of the following:

  • it provided cleansing after childbirth

  • it was sprinkled on the altar after the Day of Atonement every year to cleanse the altar from the stains of blood, symbolic of sin

  • it provided cleansing from the pollution of coming in contact with a dead body

  • it prepared the high priest to enter the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement

  • none of the above


Question 39 of 50


Which of the following were not among the purposes of the Jubilee?

Select one of the following:

  • it was a time for returning to family property

  • people were not to sow or harvest but let the land rest

  • it signaled to the people that the land was God’s and they were His tenants

  • it was a special time celebrated every seven years when they commemorated the giving of Torah

  • none of the above


Question 40 of 50


What does the Torah say about divorce?

Select one of the following:

  • it was not allowed in Israelite society because it was symbolic of the broken covenant between God and His people

  • priests were the only ones who could not divorce

  • it was allowed if the husband found something “indecent” about his wife but once divorced, the two persons could not remarry

  • it was allowed if the wife was being abused, neglected, or the husband had taken another wife

  • none of the above


Question 41 of 50


The Lord met Moses at Mt. Horeb, appearing in the form of a burning bush, telling Moses that He was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and He was sending Moses to bring the Israelites out of Egypt.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 42 of 50


Among the plagues (also called “signs and wonders”) were frogs, flies, serpents that bit the people, and locusts.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 43 of 50


When God gave the instructions to Moses and the Israelites concerning the Passover that they were to celebrate that night in Egypt, He commanded them to sacrifice the lamb, putting the blood on the thresholds of the houses to keep them from going outside and being struck down by the destroying angel.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 44 of 50


When the Israelites left Egypt, God directed them by means of the cloud and fire toward the land of the Philistines in order to get away from Egypt as quickly as possible.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 45 of 50


In the process of giving the people manna in the wilderness, God taught them an important lesson in obedience which had to do offering sacrifices.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 46 of 50


Joshua was the person who led the military campaign against the Amalekites while Aaron and Hur supported Moses’ arms in which was the rod of God.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 47 of 50


When Moses descended from the mountain to find the people engaged in wild revelry around the golden calf, he broke the tablets, symbolizing the breaking of the covenant and then severe punishment was meted out in the form of a plague and as the Levites executed about 3000 people.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 48 of 50


By the time the Israelites left the mountain of God, they had the covenant established between God and themselves, they were organized, and the system for worship had been established and the Tabernacle constructed.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 49 of 50


The rebellion of Korah, Dathan, Abiram and On had to do with a tribal squabble over unequal collection of manna and quail.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 50 of 50


The reason that Peter writes so scathingly of Balaam is that, although he uttered the words of the Lord and blessed Israel, he also gave the king of Moab advice on how to lead the Israelites astray into heinous idolatry.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False
