Created by Marielle83
about 10 years ago
Shediak-Higashi syndrome?
Interaction b/w lymphocytes and macrophages in chonic inflammation?
Name the cell-derived mediators of inflammation
Name some plasma derived mediators of inflammation
What stimulates mediators?
Which vaso-active amine is mainly released by mast cells but also basophils and platelets?
What is the effect of histamine release?
Which vaso-active amine is mainly released by platelets and neuroendocrine cells in an inflammatory response and what stimulates its release?
What are the 2 major classes of eicosanoids?
Leukotrienes- produced by lipoxygenases, secreted by leukocytes have effects on?
Lipoxins - produced by lipoxygenase have what effect in inflammation?
Prostaglandins - produced by actions of cyclooxygenases:
COX-1 (constitutively expressed) and COX-2 (inducible)
prostacyclin, thromboxane
have effects on?
Out of COX-1 and COX-2, which one is always activated and which one only activated in inflammation?
Which pathway does NSAIDs act on and which eicosanoid pathway does it not have an effect on?
Cytokines TNF and IL-1 are relased from activated macrophages in response to what?
Complement system functions?
What are kinins?
Can you live a normal life without factor XII (Hageman factor) ?
True or false:
Inflammatory mediators are long-acting and require a specific STOP signal
List two effects of histamine
What stimulates the release of inflammatory mediators?
What are the 2 pathways of the arachidonic acid metabolism, and what is produced by each?
Where does arachidonic acid come from?
How are lipoxins different from the other classes of eicosanoids?
Which part of the arachidonic acid pathway do cortocosteroids inhibit?
Where do "plasma-derived" proteins actually come from?
List 2 effects of cytokines tnf and IL-1
What is the key step in complement fixation that is common to all pathways?
What are the 3 functions of the complement system? And what proteins are most involved with each function?
What mediator is involved in eliciting pain?
Activation of what substance is involved in activating the four systems involved in inflammation?
List the 3 major pathogen routes of entry into lung
List 4 types of pneumonia and their route of entry
Name the etiologies involved in enzootic pneumonias and shipping fever
List two causes of granulomatous pneumonia
Recall a predisposing condition for aspiration pneumonia
Identify two predisposing conditions in a cow for embolic pneumonia
Identify two predisposing conditions in a cow for embolic pneumonia
What is the origin of the neoplastic cells in Jaagsiekte (OPA)
What bug is the cause of shipping fever?
What type of pneumonia is shipping fever?
Gross findings at interstitial pneumonia?
Gross findings in granulomatous pneumonia
Which pathogens may cause suppurative bronchopneumonia?
Which type of pneumonia may be ventilator induced?
Which bacteria is the major cause of granulomatous pneumonia?
Which parasites may cause granulomatous pneumonia?
Via what route does embolic pneumonia enter the lungs?
What are the 3 possible causes of embolic pneumonia?
How could you grossly differentiate b/w embolic pneumonia and for example tumours or an M. capillaris infection?
Jaagsiekte is what type of cancer, and what is the cause?
List the events in the resolution of acute inflammation
Name 4 types of inflammatory stimuli