Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

The first week in December is fire safety week at Paramount Court. Take the quiz to see how you'd do in an emergency.

Created by Paramount.Court almost 10 years ago

Paramount Court Fire Safety

Question 1 of 7


What's the most important thing to do if you are alone in your flat and you discover a fire?

Select one of the following:

  • Don't even take time to shut your flat door - just run down the hallway screaming for people to get out.

  • Evacuate, making sure to close the your flat door behind you.

  • Evacuate, making sure to leave your flat door open for the fire brigade.

  • After evacuating, go find the building manager to help you put out the fire.


Question 2 of 7


What number should you call first upon discovering a fire?

Select one of the following:

  • No one - go find the building manager!

  • 0

  • 999

  • 911


Question 3 of 7


You smell smoke coming from somewhere, but it's not your flat. What should you do?

Select one of the following:

  • Stay in your flat if the fire is elsewhere. Call 999.

  • Run into the hallway and down the closest staircase. Call 999.

  • Jump out the window to safety.

  • Take the lift to the lobby and exit the front door.


Question 4 of 7


You may have a door mat outside your door in the hallway.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 5 of 7


You have a large amount of rubbish that you would like to remove from your flat. What should you do?

Select one of the following:

  • You place your trash in the large rubbish bins at the end of hallway as long as the bin lids can be closed; otherwise, you keep the rubbish in your flat or bring it directly outside.

  • There is no space in the rubbish bins at the end of the hallway, so you place your rubbish next to these bins by the lift.

  • You place your large bag in the hatch outside your flat if you have one. It doesn't matter whether or not the hatch can close.

  • You leave the rubbish directly outside your flat door until it can be picked up in the morning.


Question 6 of 7


There is a fire on your floor. You hurt your foot the other day. It's ok to use the lift in this instance in order to get out of building more quickly.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 7 of 7


There is a fire adjacent to your flat. A firefighter directs you to leave your flat. You should...

Select one of the following:

  • ...cover your mouth with damp cloth.

  • ...stay low to the ground.

  • ...follow any directions from the firefighter.

  • ...all of the above.
