Arrange the following steps of the lockout procedure in the correct sequence.
(i) Shut it down equipment using the normal stopping procedure (i.e., close valve, open switch, press it down).
(ii) Isolate the machine or equipment from its energy source.
(iii) Communicate to all affected employees that a machine or equipment requires servicing and must be shut down and locked out.
(iv) Lock out the energy isolating device(s) with assigned locks and “Danger!” tags.
(v) Return operating controls to “off” or “neutral” after verifying that the machine is isolated from its energy source.
(vi) Check that the machine is isolated from all energy sources (including residual energy,) first, by making sure that no employee is exposed to it, then by trying normal operating procedure to see if the machine is working.
Select one of the following:
(iii), (ii), (i), (iv), (v), (vi)
(iii), (i), (ii), (iv), (vi), (v)
(vi), (v), (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)
(iv), (ii), (i), (iii), (vi), (v)