Created by Stuart Halford
almost 6 years ago
Law Making
Law Reform
When was the Law Commission set up?
Law Making
Law Reform
What is the job of the Law Commission?
Lam Making
Law Reform
What does the Law Commissions act s 3 specifically state that the Law Commission should eb concerned with?
Law Making
Law Reform
What is the four stage process in the Law Commissions work?
Law Making
Law Reform
What is codification?
Law Making
Law Reform
What is the aim of consolidation?
Law Making
Law Reform
What is repealing?
Law Making
Law Reform
What measures have been put in place to make sure more reforms are implemented?
Law Making
Law Reform
What are the main advantages of having the Law Commission issue reports?
Law Making
Law Reform
What are the disadvantages of law reform
Law Making
The European Union
In what year did the Uk join the EU?
Law Making
The European Union
When was the European Economic Community set up?
Law Making
The European Union
How many member states are there currently?
Law Making
The European Union
What are the two treaties that set out the rules?
Law Making
The European Union
What are the main four institutions of the EU
Law Making
The European Union
What are the two conditions of the "double majority rule" by which the Council make law.
Law Making
The European Union
How many commissioners make up the Commission?
Law Making
What are the main functions of the Commission?
Law Making
The European Union
MEPs (members of the European Parliament) are elected by member states - how are the number of MEPs from any one country decided.
Law Making
The European Union
What are some of the functions of The European Parliament?
Law Making
The European Union
Where does the Court of Justice of the European Union sit?
Law Making
The European Union
How many judges does the Court have?
Law Making
The European Union
What are teh key functions of the Court?
Law Making
The European Union
What is the major difference in the way the courts operate in the Court of Justice compared t English courts?
Law Making
The European Union
What are the primary and secondary sources of law the EU?
Law Making
The European Union
What is the effcet of Treaties on UK law?
Law Making
The European Union
What issues were challneged in the cases of Macarthys Ltd v Smith (1980) and Diocese of Hallam Tustee v Connaughton (1996)
Law Making
The European Union
Under Article 288 TFEU the EU has the power to issue regulations - where are these binding?
Law Making
The European Union
What does a directive do?
Law Making
The European Union
How are European directives usually introduced into UK law.
Law Making
The European Union
What is vertical direct effect?
The Legal System
Civil Courts
What is a civil claim?
The Legal System
Civil Courts
Which two courts are civil cases tried in?
The Legal System
Civil Courts
How does a private individual start a claim?
The Legal System
Civil Courts
If the defendant denies liability which court is the case started in?
The Legal System
Civil Courts
What can a defend do when a claim is made against them?
The Legal System
Civil Courts
What are the three tracks?
The Legal System
Civil Courts
How are small claims heard?
The Legal System
Civil Courts
What are some of the features of fast track cases?
The Legal System
Civil Courts
What are some of the features of the multi track system?
The Legal System
Civil Courts
What did Lord Woolf state the civil justice system should be?
The Legal System
Civil Courts
What are some of the problems that still remain in the civil justice system?
The Legal System
Civil Courts
What are the proposals for future reform?
The Legal System
Civil Courts
How are appeals from County Court made?
The Legal System
Civil Courts
How are appeals from the High Court heard?
The Legal System
Civil Courts
What are the advantages of using the courts?
Te Legal System
Civil Courts
What are the disadvantages of using the courts?