Name the parts of the nephron.
Renal Pelvis
Arterioles (afferent/efferent)
Collecting duct
In what process is blood plasma filtered from the nephron (glomerulus) and flows into the proximal convoluted tube.
What is the process of reabsorption?
Most of the viscuous glomerular filtrate is returned to the blood vessels surrounding the convoluted tubules.
The remaining fluid becomes urine, which travels down the collecting duct to the medullary region of the kidney.
The urine (in mammals) is stored in the urinary bladder.
Why are proteins converted to ammonia?
Because proteins contain a lot of energy and it would be wasteful to excrete them so they are broken down to release energy.
Because proteins are more toxic than ammonia.
Why must proteins not be stored in high quantities?
The amine group is toxic.
The nitrogen group is toxic.
The R group is toxic.
Describe the process of deamination.
Amino acid + Oxygen > Keto acid + ammonia
Amino acid > Keto acid + ammonia
Amino acid > Ammonia
Ammonia > Urea
What happens to keto acid after the process of deamination?
Goes to be used in respiration directly.
Goes to be used in protein synthesis.
Goes to be used in the ornithine cycle.
Why must Ammonia be converted to Urea?
Ammonia must not be allowed to accumulate due to its toxicity. And urea is less toxic than ammonia.
Ammonia must be broken to release energy for respiration.
Describe the ornithine cycle.
Ammonia is combined with CO2 to produce urea. Urea is passed back into the blood and transported to the kidneys. The kidneys filter the urea from the blood and stores it in the kidney.
Ammonia is combined with CO2 to produce keto acid. Keto acid is transported to the kidneys via the blood. Kidneys filter the keto acid form the blood and is stored in the bladder.
Ammonia is combined with CO2 to produce urea. Urea is passed back into the blood and transported to the liver. The liver filters the urea from the blood and stores it in the liver.
Approximately how much protein do we need a day?
40 - 60 g
50 - 70 g
100 - 150 g
20 - 30 g
50 - 100 g