Catherine Ross
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

History Quiz on HIST 7A - Chapter 4 - The Empire in Transition, created by Catherine Ross on 18/01/2019.

Catherine Ross
Created by Catherine Ross over 5 years ago

HIST 7A - Chapter 4 - The Empire in Transition

Question 1 of 50


The major participants in the Seven Years' War in North America, were

Select one of the following:

  • the French, the English, and the Iroquois

  • the colonists, the English, and the Spanish

  • the French, the Spanish, and the English

  • the English, the Iroquois, and the Spanish


Question 2 of 50


During the eighteenth century, in North America, the French differed from the English in Indian relations, in that the French

Select one of the following:

  • were more tolerant of other cultures

  • offered the Indians more and better trade good

  • largely isolated themselves from Indian tribes

  • made little effort to convert Indians to Christianity

  • forced Indians to adjust to European ways


Question 3 of 50


During the eighteenth century in North America, the most powerful native group were the

Select one of the following:

  • Iroquois

  • Cherokee

  • Seminole

  • Chickasaw

  • Sioux


Question 4 of 50


What future American Revolutionary figure surrendered to French forces in 1754 at Fort Necessity in the Ohio Valley?

Select one of the following:

  • George Washington

  • Patrick Henry

  • James Madison

  • Benedict Arnold

  • John Adams


Question 5 of 50


The French and Indian war was fought in

Select one of the following:

  • All these answers are correct

  • India

  • the West Indies

  • the North American interior

  • Europe


Question 6 of 50


When he became British Prime Minister, George Grenville

Select one of the following:

  • believed the American colonists should help pay for the administration of the empire

  • believed the colonies could not weather the cost of recent war

  • criticized William Pitt for being too harsh in dealing with the American colonies

  • began a cost-cutting effort by reducing the number of British officials in America

  • initially sought to further decentralize government authority in the American colonies


Question 7 of 50


The Proclamation of 1763

Select one of the following:

  • was supported by many Indian tribes

  • disrupted England's western trade in the colonies

  • was generally effective

  • encouraged settlement of the western edge of the colonies

  • led to renewed conflict with the remaining French colonists in the West


Question 8 of 50


The Stamp Act of 1765

Select one of the following:

  • helped unite the colonies in opposition to the English government

  • did not generate a lot of revenue for the British

  • was consistent with traditional parliamentary efforts to regulate commerce

  • required the consent of the colonial assemblies before going into effect

  • really affected only a few New England merchants


Question 9 of 50


The Paxton Boys and the Regulators both

Select one of the following:

  • demanded tax relief

  • feared violence from western farmers

  • demanded independence from England

  • sought to increase the authority of local colonial governments

  • demanded the redistribution of the land making up the former French colonies


Question 10 of 50


In 1766, in response to colonial protests against the Stamp Act, the British government

Select one of the following:

  • rescinded the Stamp Act

  • closed the port of Boston

  • attempted to arrest the authors of the "Virginia Resolves"

  • created the Currency Act

  • sent additional troops to the colonies


Question 11 of 50


The Declaratory Act of 1766

Select one of the following:

  • was a sweeping assertion of Parliament's authority over the colonies

  • caused renewed protests throughout the colonies

  • threatened the colonies with military action should future protests develop

  • was an attempt by outgoing minister George Grenville to save face

  • all these answers are correct


Question 12 of 50


Colonial protests against the Townsend duties resulted in

Select one of the following:

  • many colonists joining in non-importation agreements

  • the Boston Massacre

  • Parliament passing a second Stamp Act

  • an increase in smuggling in port cities such as Boston

  • the Boston Tea Party


Question 13 of 50


Taverns were important in the growth of revolutionary sentiment because

Select one of the following:

  • they became central meeting places to discuss ideas about resistance

  • they were the only public places where one could legally speak without fear of arrest

  • it was one of the few places where men and women gathered together to speak

  • colonists increasingly resented the heavy British duties on alcohol

  • all these answers are correct


Question 14 of 50


In 1774, the First Continental Congress

Select one of the following:

  • called for the repeal of all oppressive legislation passed since 1763

  • accepted a plan for a colonial union under British authority

  • proposed that the colonies tax themselves at Parliament's demand

  • agreed to end colonial boycotts of British trade

  • issued an order for the arrest of all colonists loyal to the king


Question 15 of 50


During the events at Lexington and Concord,

Select one of the following:

  • the British were harassed by the gunfire of American farmers

  • colonists tried to surprize the British by seizing a British arsenal

  • the Americans lost many more men than the British

  • George washington gained his first victory in the conflict with England

  • Massachusetts was further alienated from the more moderate colonies


Question 16 of 50


The Currency Act of 1764 gave the colonial legislatures the power to print paper money.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 17 of 50


The Conciliatory Propositions (1775) proposed that the colonists not be taxed by Parliament, but rather should tax themselves at Parliament's demand.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 18 of 50


During the 50 years after the Glorious Revolution, the British policy of neglect of the colonial economy

Select one of the following:

  • was sustained by some parliamentary leaders who believed relaxation of restrictions would spur commerce

  • dissipated as the kings reasserted their power in the British government

  • was lessened by the capabilities of the royal officials in America

  • was lessened as officials in London learned more about the colonial economies

  • caused the colonists to feel more American than English


Question 19 of 50


By the 1750s, colonial legislatures had come to see themselves as

Select one of the following:

  • little parliaments

  • agents of the royal governor

  • powerless

  • agents for democratic reform

  • agents for the king


Question 20 of 50


The British victory in the Great War for Empire

Select one of the following:

  • gave England control of most pf the settled regions of North America

  • expelled France and Prussia from North America

  • resulted in the defeat of all North American Indian tribe

  • resulted in less contact between Britain and America

  • resulted in the colonists' control of the Missouri Rive


Question 21 of 50


For which group was the result of the Great War for Empire?

Select one of the following:

  • the Iroquois Confederacy

  • English frontiersmen and traders

  • colonial merchants

  • the Royal Africa Company

  • the Hudson Bay Company


Question 22 of 50


In an effort to keep peace between frontiersmen and Indians and provide for a more orderly settlement of the West, the British government

Select one of the following:

  • forbade settlers from crossing the mountains that divided the Atlantic coast from the interior

  • granted the Indian confederations sovereign recognition

  • gave Indian tribes and confederations colonial status

  • allowed interior settlement only if settlers bought land from the tribes

  • put forts in the Ohio Valley to protect settlers there


Question 23 of 50


Colonists argued that the Stamp Act was not proper because

Select one of the following:

  • colonies could be taxed only by their provincial assemblies

  • it affected only a few people, so the burden was not shared

  • the money raised would not be spent in the colonies

  • the tax was too high

  • it violated freedom of the press


Question 24 of 50


By the 1750s, most Colonists in America felt very little loyalty to Britain.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 25 of 50


The French were able to forge good relations with the Indian tribes because they were more tolerant of the Indian way of life than the British.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 26 of 50


The Seven Years' War, the French and Indian War, and the Great War for Empire are all the same war.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 27 of 50


England was fortunate that King George III was young, bright, surprisingly mature for his age.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 28 of 50


The English colonists quickly began to populate the Ohio Valley after the French and Indian war.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 29 of 50


What was the most immediately significant problem confronting the British after the Seven Years' War?

Select one of the following:

  • managing the war debts

  • increased opposition by merchants and traders to tax increases

  • dealing with the oppositional American colonists

  • the problems of imperial expansion


Question 30 of 50


"No taxation without representation" centered around which of the following concepts?

Select one of the following:

  • the right of the people to be taxed only with their own consent

  • the right of people to fully representative governments

  • the right of the people to tax themselves without British interference

  • the right of Parliament appoint representatives to the colonies


Question 31 of 50


What type of representation theory did the British support in 1760?

Select one of the following:

  • "virtual" representation

  • "partial" representation

  • "associate" representation

  • "actual" representation


Question 32 of 50


During the course of colonial history, colonial legislatures grew increasingly accustomed to operating on orders from Parliament.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 33 of 50


The Daughters of Liberty

Select one of the following:

  • Led the boycott of British goods to protest taxes

  • burned the governor's house to protest the plight of poor farmers

  • wrote the Declaration of Independence

  • Staged the Boston Tea Party

  • Sewed the first American flag


Question 34 of 50


What did the colonists store at Concord that made it a British target at the beginning of the Revolutionary War?

Select one of the following:

  • Gunpowder

  • Contraband tea

  • The Declaration of Independence

  • Printing presses

  • Gold


Question 35 of 50


The Mutiny Act required that

Select one of the following:

  • Colonists must provide room and board for British troops

  • All printed materials must have an official stamp

  • High taxes must be paid on sugar

  • Colonial assemblies stop issuing paper money

  • colonists must not move beyond the Appalachian Mountains


Question 36 of 50


Which of the following was the result of the French and Indian War?

Select one of the following:

  • the British tightened control over the colonies

  • the relationship between the colonials and the British became better

  • the relationship bvetween the colonials and the Indians became better

  • France gained control over the Colonies

  • the colonists allied themselves with the Indians


Question 37 of 50


French settlers from what is now Nova Scotia

Select one of the following:

  • were expelled after the British took Accadia from the French and they went to New Orleans, where they were known as Cajuns

  • went to Georgia after the French let them leave

  • Became the most prominent group in the Ohio Valley

  • settled in England after the French and Indian war

  • were absorbed by local Indian tribes after the French and Indian war


Question 38 of 50


The Peace of Paris ended which war?

Select one of the following:

  • French and Indian War

  • Queen Anne's War

  • King Phillip's War

  • The Second Colonial War

  • The First Colonial War


Question 39 of 50


The legislation that commanded the colonist to stop issuing their own paper money was the

Select one of the following:

  • Currency Act of 1764

  • Stamp Act of 1765

  • Townsend Duties

  • Tea Act of 1773

  • Sugar Act of 1764


Question 40 of 50


What did Parliament do that caused many colonists in America to resent British rule?

Select one of the following:

  • England's attempt to raise money from the Colonies without the consent of colonial assemblies

  • redaw the boundaries of the American colonies

  • give large tracts of land to Indian tribes

  • share rule of the American colonies with France

  • bring King George over to administer the American colonies directly


Question 41 of 50


Insurgent farmers demanding their own land led to the formation of the colony of

Select one of the following:

  • Vermont

  • Maryland

  • Maine

  • Rhode Island

  • New Jersey


Question 42 of 50


The non-importation agreement between colonists in 1768 was

Select one of the following:

  • a public promise to stop buying British goods, including tea, cloth, and other household items

  • only involved male colonists

  • to protest the Intolerable Acts

  • was propsed by Parliament to solve problems with the American colonists

  • in protest of the free trade policies of Britain


Question 43 of 50


The Tea Act of 1773

Select one of the following:

  • made the British East India Company exempt from taxes

  • put additional taxes on British East India Company tea

  • called for a boycott on British tea in the colonies

  • had nothing to do with the Boston Massacre or the Boston Tea Party

  • made tea the only legal drink in colonial taverns


Question 44 of 50


The First Continental Congress of 1774 was initially called for at a tavern in WIlliamsburg, Virginia.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 45 of 50


The First Continental Congress met in

Select one of the following:

  • Philadelphia

  • New York City

  • Charleston

  • Boston

  • Atlanta


Question 46 of 50


The Coersive Acts were known in the Colonies as

Select one of the following:

  • the Intolerable Acts

  • Townend Duties

  • Concilliatory Acts

  • The Boston Port Acts

  • The English-American Trial Acts


Question 47 of 50


The Intolerable Acts were the final straw for the colonists. Which is NOT TRUE about them?

Select one of the following:

  • gave Parliament power over all colonial administrations, including the colonial assemblies

  • closed the port of Boston

  • royal officers in American could be tried in England or other colonies

  • limited self government in Massachutetts

  • also called for quartering British trop[s in their homes


Question 48 of 50


Which is NOT one of the major decisions mad eby the First Continental Congress?

Select one of the following:

  • agreed to send Britain the Declaration of Independence

  • rejected a plan for a colonial union under British rule

  • endorsed a moderate list of colonial grievances

  • they agreed to a series of boycotts

  • agreed to begin military preparations and to meet the following spring


Question 49 of 50


Paul Revere is famous for doing what?

Select one of the following:

  • warning the Minutemen that the British troops were coming

  • being the first casualty of the Revolutionary War

  • leading a large group of Minutemen into battle against British troops

  • he was the leader of the First Continental Congress

  • he became the most famous American General


Question 50 of 50


Why are the skirmishes at Lexington and Concord called "the shots heard round the world"?

Select one of the following:

  • other countries with monarchies and colonies took notice of the actions of the American rebels because they feared the same thing happening to them

  • the shots were fired by a new type of gun with rifling for better accuracy

  • the shots were actually fired from a very large cannon which made an extremely loud noise

  • the colonists thought the Indians would now be aware of the firepower of the British troops

  • troops from countries all over the world participated in the battles
