Created by carlymerlo
over 11 years ago
What are fout important functions of the GIT?
What are two functional disorders of the GIT?
What are three inflammatory conditions of the GIT?
What are common conditions of the lower gastrointestinal tract?
What does GALT stand for?
What does GALT regulate?
Why is gastrointestinal function essential?
Why is the elimination process so crucial?
If metabolic by products are not eliminated what system are the reabsorbed through?
Improving digestion also has a role in improving the hepatic and bilary functions as well. Is this true?
What conditions do we treat in the GIT?
list 20 herbal actions we can use to treat the GIT
What are the key constituents for the herbs which we use to treat the GIT?
What is the enzyme called in your saliva?
WHat dose salivary amylase do?
What is salivary lipase?
What does pepsin break down?
When the partially digested food enters the small intestines what does it mix with?
What do bile salts do?
What does pancreatic amylase do?
Disaccharidase does what?
What are the enzymes called that break proteins down?
What is a bitter?
What do Bitters do?
How do Bitters stimulate the self repair mechanisms in the GUT?
How do Bitters increase the muscle tone?
How do Bitters increase intrinsic factor secretions?
What is the naturopathic understanding of Bitters?
How do Bitters stimulate appetite and release of digestive juices?
How do bitters aid in liver function and increase the flow of bile?
Do Bitters help to regulate the secretion of pancreatic hormones thereby helping to regulate blood sugar?
Why does the stomach require acid?
What problems can arise from hypochlorhydria?
What are the 7 symptoms of hypochlorhydria?
What are proton pumps?
What causes hypocholorhydria?
Indications for Bitters?
What are the indications for Bitters?
What are the dose instructions for Bitters?
What conditions are Bitters contraindicated in?
Name 5 Bitters
What are the common names for these 5 Bitters?
Hydrastis canadensis
Humulus lupulus
Olea europaea
Polygala tenuifolia
What are the botanical names for the following bitters?
Quin hao
True Unicorn
White horehound
Wood betony
List four aromatic digestives
What are the common names for the following aromatic digestives?
Foeniculum vulgare
Pimpinella anisum
Zingiber officinale
List one antacid?
list 6 demulcents