Jose Antonio Vazquez
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Tema 1 Performances Quiz on 6. Performance, created by Jose Antonio Vazquez on 08/11/2018.

Jose Antonio Vazquez
Created by Jose Antonio Vazquez about 6 years ago

6. Performance

Question 1 of 21


360) The coefficient of lift can be increased either by flap extension or by

Select one of the following:

  • increasing the CAS.

  • increasing the angle of attack.

  • increasing the TAS.

  • decreasing the 'nose-up' elevator trim setting.


Question 2 of 21


29) Considering TAS for maximum range and maximum endurance, other factors remaining constant,

Select one of the following:

  • TAS for maximum range will increase with increased altitude while TAS for maximum endurance will decrease with increased altitude.

  • both will increase with increasing altitude.

  • both will decrease with increasing altitude.

  • both will stay constant regardless of altitude.


Question 3 of 21


362) Which of the following statements is correct?

Select one of the following:

  • An engine failure at high cruising altitude will always result in a drift down, because it is not permitted to fly the same altitude as with all engines operating.

  • When determining the obstacle clearance during drift down, fuel dumping may be taken into account.

  • The drift down regulations require a minimum descent angle after an engine failure at cruising altitude.

  • The drift down procedure requires a minimum obstacle clearance of 35 ft.


Question 4 of 21


363) The take-off run is

Select one of the following:

  • the horizontal distance along the take-off path from the start of the take-off to a point equidistant between the point at which VLOF is reached and the point at which the aeroplane is 35 ft above the take-off surface.

  • 1.5 times the distance from the point of brake release to a point equidistant between the point at which VLOF is reached and the point at which the aeroplane attains a height of 35 ft above the runway with all engines operative.

  • 1.15 times the distance from the point of brake release to the point at which VLOF is reached assuming a failure of the critical engine at V1.

  • the distance of the point of brake release to a point equidistant between the point at which VLOF is reached and the point at which the aeroplane attains a height of 50 ft above the runway assuming a failure of the critical engine at V1.


Question 5 of 21


364) The use of reduced take-off thrust is permitted, only if:

Select one of the following:

  • The actual take-off mass (TOM) is greater than the climb limited TOM.

  • The actual take-off mass (TOM) is lower than the field length limited TOM.

  • The take-off distance available is lower than the take-off distance required one engine out at V1.

  • The actual take-off mass (TOM) including a margin is greater than the performance limited TOM.


Question 6 of 21


365) With one or two engines inoperative the best specific range at high altitudes is

Select one of the following:

  • first improved and later reduced.

  • reduced.

  • improved.

  • not affected.


Question 7 of 21


366) A jet aeroplane equipped with old engines has a specific fuel consumption of 0.06 kg per Newton of thrust and per hour and, in a given flying condition, a fuel mileage of 14 kg per Nautical Mile. In the same flying conditions, the same aeroplane equipped with modern engines with a specific fuel consumption of 0.035 kg per Newton of thrust and per hour, has a fuel mileage of:

Select one of the following:

  • 10.7 kg/NM.

  • 8.17 kg/NM.

  • 14 kg/NM.

  • 11.7 kg/NM.


Question 8 of 21


1) The optimum cruise altitude is

Select one of the following:

  • the pressure altitude up to which a cabin altitude of 8000 ft can be maintained.

  • the pressure altitude at which the speed for high speed buffet as TAS is a maximum.

  • the pressure altitude at which the best specific range can be achieved.

  • the pressure altitude at which the fuel flow is a maximum.


Question 9 of 21


2) Which statement with respect to the step climb is correct?

Select one of the following:

  • A step climb is executed because ATC desires a higher altitude.

  • A step climb is executed in principle when, just after leveling off, the 1.3g altitude is reached.

  • Executing a desired step climb at high altitude can be limited by buffet onset at g-loads larger than 1.

  • A step climb must be executed immediately after the aeroplane has exceeded the optimum altitude.


Question 10 of 21


3) Which speed provides maximum obstacle clearance during climb?

Select one of the following:

  • The speed for which the ratio between rate of climb and forward speed is maximum.

  • V2 + 10 kt.

  • The speed for maximum rate of climb.

  • V2.


Question 11 of 21


4) On a reciprocating engined aeroplane, to maintain a given angle of attack, configuration and altitude at higher gross mass

Select one of the following:

  • the airspeed and the drag will be increased.

  • the airspeed will be decreased and the drag increased.

  • the lift/drag ratio must be increased.

  • the airspeed will be increased but the drag does not change.


Question 12 of 21


359) The stopway is an area which allows an increase only in :

Select one of the following:

  • the accelerate-stop distance available.

  • the take-off run available.

  • the take-off distance available.

  • the landing distance available.


Question 13 of 21


64) The drift down requirements are based on:

Select one of the following:

  • the actual engine thrust output at the altitude of engine failure.

  • the maximum flight path gradient during the descent.

  • the landing mass limit at the alternate.

  • the obstacle clearance during a descent to the new cruising altitude if an engine has failed.


Question 14 of 21


27) Which statement is correct?

Select one of the following:

  • VR must not be less than 1.05 VMCA and not less than 1.1 V1.

  • VR must not be less than 1.05 VMCA and not less than V1.

  • VR must not be less than VMCA and not less than 1.05 V1.

  • VR must not be less than 1.1 VMCA and not less than V1.


Question 15 of 21


54) If the level-off altitude is below the obstacle clearance altitude during a drift down procedure

Select one of the following:

  • fuel jettisoning should be started at the beginning of drift down.

  • the recommended drift down speed should be disregarded and it should be flown at the stall speed plus 10 kt.

  • fuel jettisoning should be started when the obstacle clearance altitude is reached.

  • the drift down should be flown with flaps in the approach configuration.


Question 16 of 21


55) After engine failure the aeroplane is unable to maintain its cruising altitude. What is the procedure which should be applied?

Select one of the following:

  • Emergency Descent Procedure.

  • ETOPS.

  • Long Range Cruise Descent.

  • Drift Down Procedure.


Question 17 of 21


56) With all engines out, a pilot wants to fly for maximum time. Therefore he has to fly the speed corresponding to:

Select one of the following:

  • the minimum drag.

  • the critical Mach number.

  • the minimum angle of descent.

  • the maximum lift.


Question 18 of 21


57) Which of the following statements with regard to the actual acceleration height at the beginning of the 3rd climb segment is correct?

Select one of the following:

  • The minimum value according to regulations is 1000 ft.

  • There is no legal minimum value, because this will be determined from case to case during the calculation of the net flight path.

  • The minimum value according to regulations is 400 ft.

  • A lower height than 400 ft is allowed in special circumstances e.g. noise abatement.


Question 19 of 21


58) The take-off distance available is

Select one of the following:

  • the total runway length, without clearway even if this one exists.

  • the length of the take-off run available plus the length of the clearway available.

  • the runway length minus stopway.

  • the runway length plus half of the clearway.


Question 20 of 21


59) At constant thrust and constant altitude the fuel flow of a jet engine

Select one of the following:

  • increases slightly with increasing airspeed.

  • is independent of the airspeed.

  • decreases slightly with increasing airspeed.

  • increases with decreasing OAT.


Question 21 of 21


60) During certification flight testing on a four engine turbojet aeroplane the actual take-off distances measured are:
- 3050 m with failure of the critical engine recognised at V1
- 2555 m with all engines operating and all other things being equal
The take-off distance adopted for the certification file is:

Select one of the following:

  • 3050 m

  • 3513 m

  • 2555 m

  • 2938 m
