Marissa Alvarez
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

ATS Quiz on RBT Practice Exam , created by Marissa Alvarez on 23/10/2018.

Marissa Alvarez
Created by Marissa Alvarez almost 6 years ago

RBT Practice Exam

Question 1 of 75


When deciding what mands to teach you should...

Select one of the following:

  • always teach them to say "please" after each mand.

  • do a preference assessment to determine what motivates your learner.

  • choose what mands YOU want them to learn first.

  • not choose food items since it's distracting to other children around them.


Question 2 of 75


Sue's teachers say she isn't motivated by anything. She shows little interest in toys, activities or food. An exception appears to be one CD that she listens to exclusively. What can Sue's teachers do to broaden her reinforcement repertoire?

Select one of the following:

  • Pair toys, food, and activities with the music she loves and then start to fade the music volume down.

  • Limit her food intake so she will be hungry and work for food reinforcers.

  • Allow her to listen to music every time she engages in good behavior.

  • Prompt her through playing with toys and she will eventually like it.


Question 3 of 75


Which of the following is backwards chaining?

Select one of the following:

  • Prompting a learner through all steps of washing hands, but allowing them to throw away the towel independently.

  • Allowing a learner to open a box of cake mix but prompting all the other steps when learning to bake a cake.

  • Teaching a learner to draw a picture by using hand over hand prompts for every step.

  • Demonstrating how to tie shoes until the learner expresses that they are ready to try independently.


Question 4 of 75


Which of the following is NOT a part of a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)?

Select one of the following:

  • Target behavior you are trying to eliminate or decrease

  • Antecedent Interventions

  • Antecedents that may be occurring before the behavior

  • How the child feels when the behavior is occurring


Question 5 of 75


If a practitioner finds that, due to unforeseen factors, a potentially harmful multiple relationship has arisen, what is recommended?

Select one of the following:

  • attempt to resolve with the best interests of the affected person and maximal compliance with the Guidelines

  • immediately cease all services with the client, but provide written explanation of the reason

  • Report it to the BACB so it can be legally documented

  • Any of the above are appropriate actions that can be taken


Question 6 of 75


It is appropriate to discuss clients with which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • Anyone in the field of behavior analysis

  • Any co-workers at your agency, school, etc.

  • Your family members (as long as they understand it must remain confidential)

  • None of the above


Question 7 of 75


What does a crisis plan describe?

Select one of the following:

  • How to prevent and respond to the crisis behaviors.

  • Relaxation techniques for crises, such as deep breathing.

  • Emergency preparedness details for your employment.

  • Which emergency responders to call during a crisis.


Question 8 of 75


A ______________ is an employee who is required by the state to inform a designated investigator of any suspected, witnessed, or alleged abuse or neglect.

Select one of the following:

  • Support staff

  • Law enforcement reporter

  • Mandatory reporter

  • State authorized witness


Question 9 of 75


The Phase Change line demonstrates a change in conditions on a graph and is represented by:

Select one of the following:

  • A solid horizontal line

  • A dotted horizontal line

  • A line connecting the x and y axes

  • A solid vertical line


Question 10 of 75


All of the following are functions of behavior EXCEPT...

Select one of the following:

  • to gain attention.

  • to placate others.

  • to escape/avoid a task or situation.

  • to gain an item or activity.


Question 11 of 75


You can track your learners progress in mands by...

Select one of the following:

  • asking the parent how many times they mand at home.

  • making an educated guess on how often your learner is manding per hour because it's not realistic to take frequency data.

  • taking frequency data and graphing the results to be analyzed over time.

  • tracking frequency of problematic behaviors.


Question 12 of 75


If the demands of an organization conflict with the BACB's guidelines, practitioners should

Select one of the following:

  • default to the rules of the organization as they take precedence over the Guidelines

  • clarify the nature of the conflict with their supervisor, make known their commitment to these Guidelines and try to resolve the conflict

  • contact the BACB and ask that they review the organization's rules

  • contact the BACB and file a written complaint against the organization for ethical violations


Question 13 of 75


Data should be graphed:

Select one of the following:

  • Before a treatment is introduced

  • During treatment

  • After a treatment is introduced

  • All of the above


Question 14 of 75


The following is an example of which transfer procedure? SD: Point to the cat? R: child points to cat SD: What is it? (holding cat card) R: child says "cat."

Select one of the following:

  • Echoic to intraverbal transfer

  • Imitation to listener response transfer

  • Echoic to tact transfer

  • Listener response to tact transfer


Question 15 of 75


James is reaching for a gummy worm you have in your hand, and he isn't saying, "Gummy." What is the most intrusive prompt you can give?

Select one of the following:

  • Model a part of the word "guh" (partial echoic).

  • Point at the gummy (gesture).

  • Model the word "gummy" (echoic prompt).

  • Wait a little longer for him to respond (time delay).


Question 16 of 75


The one time you should violate confidentiality is _______________.

Select one of the following:

  • when there is suspected abuse or neglect

  • when it will benefit other cases

  • when it will benefit the field of behavior analysis

  • when your supervisor says it is okay


Question 17 of 75


Which of the following would be transfer trial: The teacher presents the discriminative stimulus with an echoic prompt, the student responds correctly so next the teacher will _________.

Select one of the following:

  • Present the discriminative stimulus but this time fade or omit the echoic prompt.

  • Present the discriminative stimulus with another echoic prompt to ensure correct responding.

  • Move on to another tact target.

  • Move on to another verbal operant target.


Question 18 of 75


Jake yelled when he wanted music turned off and his parents would turn it off. One day, his parents decided to ignore the yelling. Jake's yelling initially increased then decreased over the next couple days as they continued to ignore. What occurred?

Select one of the following:

  • positive reinforcement

  • spontaneous recovery

  • extinction burst

  • negative reinforcement


Question 19 of 75


Leila engages in hand mouthing. She is reinforced every time she is engaged in a behavior that is incompatible with hand mouthing (drawing or building with legos). This is an example of which differential reinforcement procedure?

Select one of the following:

  • DRA

  • DRO

  • DRI

  • DRL


Question 20 of 75


When our learner is on a roll with responding, reinforcement should be…

Select one of the following:

  • given after every correct response.

  • faded out so it doesn't interrupt the flow of the session.

  • removed immediately.

  • continued at current levels or increased.


Question 21 of 75


Supervisors must provide feedback to their direct reports every______________.

Select one of the following:

  • two weeks.

  • week.

  • day.

  • month.


Question 22 of 75


Behavior Analysts should always recommend the ____________________ likely to be effective in dealing with a behavior problem.

Select one of the following:

  • least restrictive procedures

  • most restrictive procedure

  • most often used procedure

  • most researched procedure


Question 23 of 75


Outcome recording could be used for which behavior?

Select one of the following:

  • Sitting nicely

  • Writing an essay

  • Giving a speech

  • Dancing ballet


Question 24 of 75


Before you can make a hypothesis about the function(s) of the target behavior, you must do all of the following EXCEPT...

Select one of the following:

  • define the target behaviors.

  • do a functional interview with key members of the team to note patterns in the child's behavior before you directly observe

  • tell the parents to skip medication for a day so you can rule out medication effects.

  • directly observe and measure the behavior taking ABC data.


Question 25 of 75


The three steps of discrimination training are...

Select one of the following:

  • present both targets, prompt, reinforce

  • teach in isolation, add distracters, mix in mastered items.

  • review mastered items, present new item, random rotate.

  • present discriminative stimulus, prompt, reinforce.


Question 26 of 75


When you observed Sally, she kicked 7 times. Your observation was from 1 pm to 3 pm. Sally's kicking rate per hour is:

Select one of the following:

  • 14 per hour

  • 3.5 per hour

  • 1.75 per hour

  • 7 per hour


Question 27 of 75


Which of the following is deemed acceptable when it comes to avoiding dual relationships?

Select one of the following:

  • Babysitting for a client for free

  • Babysitting for a client and accepting money

  • Going to a client's family party

  • None of the above are acceptable


Question 28 of 75


A crisis plan includes which sections?

Select one of the following:

  • Crisis, Crisis Responses, Data Collection, Diagnosis

  • Antecedents, Consequences, Medications, Responses

  • Antecedents, Escalation, Responses, Consequences

  • Antecedent Interventions, Escalation, Crisis, Post Crisis


Question 29 of 75


Once pairing has taken place, the teacher can become a ___________ reinforcer.

Select one of the following:

  • generalized

  • primary

  • conditioned

  • non-contingent


Question 30 of 75


Which of the following is not socially mediated?

Select one of the following:

  • Automatic reinforcement

  • Gain access to items

  • Gain attention

  • Escape


Question 31 of 75


You can transfer the control of the mand to the motivation operation alone by...

Select one of the following:

  • requiring your learner to mand 100 times a day.

  • always prompting with the most intrusive prompt so they are always successful.

  • prompting least to most.

  • systematically fading your prompts.


Question 32 of 75


Line Graphs can be used for:

Select one of the following:

  • Percentage and duration

  • Frequency and rate

  • Intensity and latency

  • All of the above


Question 33 of 75


Which of the following would be the most appropriate report about behaviors observed in a session?

Select one of the following:

  • Johnny was very upset when Chris pushed him at lunch

  • Johnny had a huge tantrum today and seemed very tired

  • Johnny was acting up in class when he was asked to push in his chair

  • Johnny engaged in 4 episodes of hand biting today


Question 34 of 75


Behavioral definitions must be both...

Select one of the following:

  • broad and articulate.

  • positive and comprehensive.

  • impartial and multidimensional.

  • observable and measurable.


Question 35 of 75


Multiple exemplar training refers to _______________.

Select one of the following:

  • Using many different stimuli to teach a skill to promote generalization.

  • Using multiple SD's in tact training.

  • Using different items when teaching a child to mand.

  • Adding a new stimuli every day that the skill is worked on until you reach 5.


Question 36 of 75


All of the following are reasons that the use of electronic communication and social media are more likely to result in a HIPAA violation EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • HIPAA encourages people to use paper because its the safest and most efficient way to communicate health information.

  • When using social media it is easy to forget that you are potentially communicating with thousands of people.

  • The privacy settings on social media are not sufficient to protect PHI as required by the Security Rule.

  • It is easy to send an email to the wrong person.


Question 37 of 75


Rob is learning body parts, and loves frogs. His teacher draws a frog, but leaves out parts of its body. When he points at the missing part, she prompts him to say the body part, then draws it. This is an example of Naturalistic Teaching Strategies because...

Select one of the following:

  • she prompted him right away.

  • the activity focuses on teaching language.

  • it was teaching done during play time.

  • the reinforcer was directly related to the material being taught.


Question 38 of 75


What is the first step in creating a behavioral treatment?

Select one of the following:

  • Take baseline data

  • Define the behavior and select a measurement technique.

  • Write out the plan for the whole team to follow

  • Decide if punishment is warranted


Question 39 of 75


Ratio Schedules are based on ______________ and interval schedules are based on ___________________.

Select one of the following:

  • the passage of time, number or intervals

  • the number of responses, number of intervals

  • the number of responses, passage of time

  • the passage of time, number or responses


Question 40 of 75


When practitioners believe there may have been an ethical violation by another practitioner, or non behavioral colleague, they attempt to resolve the issue, first by:

Select one of the following:

  • Bringing it to the attention of that individual

  • Contacting the BACB

  • Discussing it with their direct supervisor

  • Providing documentation of the violation to their superior


Question 41 of 75


All of the following are some appropriate ways to respond to feedback, EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Try to apply what you have learned from the feedback.

  • Explain to your supervisor why you did what you did. They may be wrong in their feedback.

  • Try not to get upset or explain away the feedback.

  • Show that you've listened to your supervisor's feedback by asking clarifying questions.


Question 42 of 75


Every ten minutes Johnny is rewarded with a gummy if he did not throw his toys. This is an example of which differential reinforcement procedure?

Select one of the following:

  • DRA

  • DRI

  • DRO

  • DRL


Question 43 of 75


What are two things you can do to organize and prepare for each day ahead of time?

Select one of the following:

  • Use a “to-do” list and keep a calendar to review what is up ahead

  • Get a good nights sleep and eat nutritious foods

  • Talk over you schedule with co-workers and ask for help prioritizing

  • Do grocery shopping on weekends


Question 44 of 75


It is okay to work for a close family member as long as _____________

Select one of the following:

  • they do not live close to you.

  • you disclose your relationship to all members of the team.

  • there is no other BCBA in the area.

  • there is no time where it is appropriate to work for a close family member.


Question 45 of 75


What are the 4 functions of behavior?

Select one of the following:

  • Access to tangibles, to gain attention, escape, automatic.

  • Access to time, access to items, access to activities, access to individuals.

  • Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, neutral reinforcement, automatic reinforcement.

  • Primary reinforcers, conditioned reinforcers, primary punishment, conditioned punishment.


Question 46 of 75


Tamara is behind on her work as an analyst and decides she needs to do some work at home tonight. She copies the files she has been working on (which contain PHI) to a flash drive and drops the flash drive in her purse for later use. When Tamara gets home, the flash drive is missing. Is this a security breach?

Select one of the following:

  • No. Tamara doesn't know who has the flash drive or whether the PHI was accessed, so it is not a security breach

  • Yes. It is a security breach. The data on the flash drive was not encrypted or otherwise protected and there is no way to undo the potential damage because the flash drive is lost.

  • No, Tamara's loss of the flash drive was accidental.

  • No. Anyone who picked up the flash drive wouldn't know what it is or how to use it.


Question 47 of 75


If reinforcement is delivered after each number of responses listed, which of the following is variable ratio of 7 (VR7)?

Select one of the following:

  • 3, 11, 7, 7, 4, 10

  • 7, 7, 7, 7

  • 1, 7, 1, 7, 1, 7

  • 2, 12, 3, 7, 7


Question 48 of 75


In which of the following scenarios would consent not be required?

Select one of the following:

  • When changing program goals

  • When advancing to the next target in a program

  • When performing an FBA

  • When using a new procedure


Question 49 of 75


What can be used to determine existing nonsocial and social reinforcers?

Select one of the following:

  • The VB-MAPP

  • A peer's list of reinforcers

  • A preference assessment

  • There is no way to determine existing reinforcers


Question 50 of 75


If a Behavior Technician measured the length of time that it took Andrew to respond to someone calling him, she would be measuring the...

Select one of the following:

  • Event

  • Inter-trial interval

  • Latency

  • Duration


Question 51 of 75


How can you tell if an item functioned as a reinforcer?

Select one of the following:

  • If the individual smiled while interacting with the item

  • If the child appeared to enjoy consuming the item

  • If it made the individual happy to have the item

  • If the behavior was actually repeated in the future after receiving the item


Question 52 of 75


In the Discrete Trial cycle, the prompt should occur when?

Select one of the following:

  • Just before the discriminative stimulus

  • A few seconds after the discriminative stimulus

  • Simultaneously with the instruction, or just after it

  • Anytime before the response


Question 53 of 75


Competent Training Programs and Supervised Work Experiences include all of the following, EXCEPT?

Select one of the following:

  • They must be competently designed supervisory activities.

  • They must meet the requirements for licensure, certification, or other goals for which claims are made by the program/supervisor.

  • Specific training in Occupational Therapy practices

  • They must be effectively and ethically designed


Question 54 of 75


Complete this sentence: Documentation and record keeping are important to ensure….

Select one of the following:

  • accountability, coordination of care between yourself and other supports and to guide the improvement of services.

  • timely payment to Registered Behavior Technicians

  • that people are working sufficiently hard

  • the health of people you support


Question 55 of 75


The role of the RBT is to

Select one of the following:

  • Provide direct support and education with individuals receiving ABA services

  • Design behavior analysis programs for children with autism

  • Analyze the data that is collected by paraprofessionals working with individuals with autism

  • All of the above


Question 56 of 75


Instructors can help facilitate generalization by ___________.

Select one of the following:

  • using only one phrase for the SD and the feedback

  • using contrived reinforcers

  • having only one teacher to make sure the target behavior is well established

  • varying the therapy setting, SDs, and stimuli


Question 57 of 75


Free Operant preference assessments involve...

Select one of the following:

  • asking parents/caregivers what the child's preferred reinforcers are.

  • providing a field of 3 toys and seeing which one you learner chooses.

  • allowing a few minutes with each reinforcer, then removing and providing another one.

  • watching what your learner chooses to do when they can play with anything available.


Question 58 of 75


Which type of chaining results in the learner being reinforced after they perform the final step in the chain?

Select one of the following:

  • Backwards chaining

  • Total task presentation

  • Sideways Chaining

  • Forwards chaining


Question 59 of 75


Behavior Analysts adhere to a code of ethics that seeks to protect the _____________.

Select one of the following:

  • rights of its consumers

  • secrets of behavior analysis

  • confidentiality of behavior analysts

  • workplace and its policies


Question 60 of 75


An operational definition is used for a behavior so that

Select one of the following:

  • Its operation will be known to the entire team.

  • Subjective reports can guide the intervention plan.

  • Two independent observers will agree on occurrences and non-occurrences of the behavior.

  • The problem behavior will decrease in frequency, and be replaced by more appropriate behaviors.


Question 61 of 75


When you document you should attempt to document only…

Select one of the following:

  • Your impressions of the event you are documenting

  • Your analysis of why what you documented happened

  • As little as possible so what you write cannot be used against you

  • What was observed, not interpretations of what was observed


Question 62 of 75


When teaching Bob to discriminate boys and girls, his teacher used pictures of exaggerated versions of genders (girls had long hair and dresses, boys wore pants, had short hair). Over time, she used less exaggerated features. This an example of what?

Select one of the following:

  • Stimulus Fading

  • Shaping

  • Least to most prompting

  • Chaining


Question 63 of 75


Hilary has autism and she likes to push buttons on her toys over and over again. After a while, to her parent's satisfaction, the batteries wore out of the toy. Hilary stopped pushing the buttons on the toy. What decreased her behavior?

Select one of the following:

  • negative punishment

  • negative reinforcement

  • positive punishment

  • extinction


Question 64 of 75


Whenever punishment is going to be used, the client or the person whom makes decisions for the client, such as a parent or guardian, must ___________.

Select one of the following:

  • believe it will work

  • have already attempted positive reinforcement

  • attend workshops discussing the effective use of punishment

  • give informed consent


Question 65 of 75


Which of the following could be a Motivating Operation?

Select one of the following:

  • Tommy hasn't eaten today and is very hungry.

  • Tommy hit his sister.

  • Before Suzy called her teacher a name, she felt ignored.

  • After Tommy hit his sister, he was sent to time out.


Question 66 of 75


Breaking a complex skill into smaller, teachable units is the definition of…

Select one of the following:

  • backwards chaining.

  • discrimination training.

  • task analysis.

  • shaping.


Question 67 of 75


What situation might warrant a functional assessment of problem behavior and a behavior intervention plan?

Select one of the following:

  • Candace throws items at her peers during class. This happens several times/hour, and occasionally it causes injury.

  • Nate jiggles his foot repetitively when he sits in his high school class. He continues to take notes and performs well on tests, but will engage in this repetitive movement for up to 10 minutes at a time.

  • Kayla thinks that Sam is mean because he breaks her toys and he blames Kayla when he has done something wrong in class. Kayla avoids Sam and doesn't play with him. Her mom sees this as a problem and wants her to play with Sam.

  • David is in high school and memorizes one spelling word per day- while the typical kids his age are learning five to ten words per day in preparation for the SATs. His teacher wants him to spend more time doing spelling, so he can catch up to his peers.


Question 68 of 75


Something you can do to prevent the student from losing motivation in Naturalistic Teaching is...

Select one of the following:

  • provide reinforcement for every response.

  • change activities at a pace that is just slightly faster than the learner is losing interest in them in following teaching sessions.

  • allow frequent breaks.

  • sing and dance for them.


Question 69 of 75


Stimulus control is when...

Select one of the following:

  • a behavior is emitted more often in the presence of a particular discriminative stimulus than in its absence.

  • a behavior is emitted more often in the presence of a prompt than in its absence.

  • a behavior is emitted more often in the presence of a particular non-contingent reinforcer than in its absence.

  • a behavior is emitted more often in the presence of a particular operationalized stimulus than in its absence.


Question 70 of 75


Whenever punishment is going to be used, the client or the person whom makes decisions for the client, such as a parent or guardian, must __________.

Select one of the following:

  • believe it will work

  • attend workshops discussing the effective use of punishment

  • have already attempted positive reinforcement

  • give informed consent


Question 71 of 75


Discrimination training requires …

Select one of the following:

  • one response and one antecedent condition.

  • two responses and one antecedent condition.

  • one response and two antecedent conditions.

  • two responses and two antecedent conditions.


Question 72 of 75


Frequency recording would be appropriate to use for which behavior?

Select one of the following:

  • Key strokes

  • Humming

  • Watching TV

  • Running


Question 73 of 75


When Keenan and his mother go to the zoo, Keenan always whines to ride the train. Most of the time his mother says "no," but when she is really tired she might say "yes." Why is this behavior not likely to be easily extinguished?

Select one of the following:

  • She has reinforced his whining on a very thin variable ratio schedule.

  • She has reinforced his whining on a continuous schedule.

  • She has reinforced his whining on a very dense variable ratio schedule.

  • She has reinforced his whining on a fixed ratio schedule.


Question 74 of 75


Find the best definition for hitting.

Select one of the following:

  • Putting a hand onto another person with the intention of hurting them.

  • Trying to be the top dog in the classroom

  • Any occurrence of touching another person separated by 3 seconds

  • Forceful contact between the learner's hand and another person.


Question 75 of 75


If a Behavior Technician watched Jimmy for 5 minute periods and recorded if he were humming for ANY part of that 5 minutes period, she would be using:

Select one of the following:

  • Partial Interval Recording

  • Time Sampling

  • Whole Interval Recording

  • Duration Recording
