Ashley Berg
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Psychology Quiz on psychology 101 unit 1 Study quiz 1, created by Ashley Berg on 18/09/2018.

Ashley Berg
Created by Ashley Berg almost 6 years ago

psychology 101 unit 1 Study quiz 1

Question 1 of 39


Wilhelm Wundt believed the focus of psychology should be

Select one of the following:

  • questioning the nature of existence

  • studying stimulus-response associations

  • determining people's unconscious motivation for behavior

  • examining people's awareness of their immediate experience


Question 2 of 39


Dr. Lee is studying pain perception using a functionalist perspective. It is most likely that Dr. Le would suggest that we can only understand the conscious experience of pain

Select one of the following:

  • if all the component parts that make up the experience of pain are understood

  • by observing the outward expression of pain in response to different stimuli

  • if we first understand the role of pain in human survival and adaptation

  • if we understand the unconscious processes that initiate the sensation of pain


Question 3 of 39


According to Sigmund Freud, and individual's personality is largely determined by

Select one of the following:

  • self-actualizing tendencies

  • forces in the environment

  • striving for superiority

  • forces in the unconcious


Question 4 of 39


Organisms tend to repeat responses that lead to positive outcomes, and they tend not to repeat responses that lead to neutral or negative outcomes. These words would most likely have been said by

Select one of the following:

  • Wilhelm Wundt

  • William James

  • B. F. Skinner

  • Abraham Maslow


Question 5 of 39


Manny tends to be very passive and allows people to take advantage of him. What would a humanist be most likely to say about Manny.

Select one of the following:

  • Manny will find it difficult to change because he probably has deep-seated feelings of inferiority.

  • Manny can become more assertive once he begins to feel better about himself.

  • Manny simply needs to take an assertiveness training class in which he can learn and practice assertive behaviors


Question 6 of 39


Which of the following sounds LEAST like the work of an applied psychologist?

Select one of the following:

  • finding ways to teach learning disabled children

  • studying basic learning processes in rats

  • treating someone with a phobia

  • looking for ways to increase efficiency in an organization


Question 7 of 39


The Human Genome Project invoves a large number of scientists who are trying to determine the biochemical nature of all the genes on each chromosome in the human body. These scientists come from a variety of areas, including, psychology. The psychologists working on this project are most likely

Select one of the following:

  • evolutionary psychologists

  • cross-cultural psychologists

  • behavioral psychologists

  • biological psychologist


Question 8 of 39


Researchers in psychology have "to see it to believe it." This orientation is most consistent with

Select one of the following:

  • empiricism

  • structuralism

  • functionalism

  • humanism


Question 9 of 39


A biopsychosocial approach to explaining your performance in a course would most likely focus on

Select one of the following:

  • personal factors more than situational factors

  • situational factors more than personal factors

  • both personal and situational factors

  • the relationship between you and your professor


Question 10 of 39


Nature is to nurture as

Select one of the following:

  • experience is to environment

  • learning is to knowing

  • heredity is to environment

  • behavior is to doing


Question 11 of 39


Dr. Malm predicts that if teachers ignore students who act up in class, fewer students will act up in class. Dr. Malm's prediction is an example of

Select one of the following:

  • an operational definition

  • a theory

  • inferential statistics

  • a hypothesis


Question 12 of 39


An operational definition

Select one of the following:

  • describes the actions and procedures used to measure or control a variable

  • separately defines each term used

  • provides a logical basis for each term

  • states relationships to other variables


Question 13 of 39


The experiment is a research method in which the investigator

Select one of the following:

  • systematically observes two variables to see whether there is an association between them

  • observes behavior as it occurs in its natural environment

  • conducts an in-depth investigation of an individual subject

  • manipulates a variable under carefully controlled conditions and observes whether there are changes in a second variable as a result


Question 14 of 39


Researchers who were studying plant growth raised plants in two separate rooms. One room had taped conversations playing 24 hours a day; the other room was silent. The researchers found that the plants grew better in the room which had the conversations playing. In this study, the type of room (conversation or silence) would be

Select one of the following:

  • the dependent variable

  • an extraneous variable

  • a placebo

  • the independent variable


Question 15 of 39


A group of researchers wants to determine if people are more likely to follow directions if the person giving the directions is in a uniform. Half the participants are directed to a parking spot by a uniformed security guard, the other half are directed to a parking spot by an individual wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt. In this study the dependent variable would be

Select one of the following:

  • the number of participants who park in the spot they are directed to

  • the type of clothing worn by the person giving the directions

  • the gender of the person driving into the parking lot

  • The distance between the parking spot and the entrance


Question 16 of 39


Psychologists see the study of ________ as an attempt to account for the individuality of the human mind

Select one of the following:

  • personality

  • nurture

  • character

  • motivation


Question 17 of 39


The unique and relatively stable ways in which each individual thinks, acts, and feels is called _______.

Select one of the following:

  • personality

  • nurture

  • a trait

  • nature


Question 18 of 39


The question of whether people's behviors can best be predicted by individual personality traits or external circumstances is called the _______ debate

Select one of the following:

  • internalization=-externalization

  • unidirctional-bidirctional

  • nature-nurture

  • person-situation


Question 19 of 39


Freud believed that the _____ was the most important determining factor in human behavior and personality

Select one of the following:

  • id

  • preconscious mind

  • manifest awareness

  • unconscious mind


Question 20 of 39


Jay is an executive with a large financial firm. Any time his investments do poorly, he throws temper tantrums and breaks things. The he starts barking orders at hes secretary. Which personality structure would Freud say is exerting control?

Select one of the following:

  • id

  • superego

  • ego

  • preconscious


Question 21 of 39


You are quite hungry but don't have any money. If you were described as "all id and only id" what would you do?

Select one of the following:

  • distract yourself with images of food

  • steal a hotdog from the vendor on the corner

  • run all the way home to get something to eat as soon as possible

  • use the defense mechanism of denial to thwart the hunger pangs until an appropriate meal can be obtained


Question 22 of 39


There were three friends. Maybe you've heard of them! Harry was rational, logical and cunning. Hermione was rule oriented, moral, and always ethical. Ron was pleasure seeking, found it hard to delay gratification, and usually just did what he wanted. According to Freud, Ron was mostly ______.

Select one of the following:

  • id

  • ego

  • superego

  • libido


Question 23 of 39


In the metaphor the angel, the devil, and me, the angel is the _______.

Select one of the following:

  • id

  • ego

  • superego

  • unconscious


Question 24 of 39


A personality that consisted of only the go and the id would be completely______.

Select one of the following:

  • illogical

  • selfless

  • rational

  • amoral


Question 25 of 39


The job of the ______ is to find practical ways for the _____ to get its pleasure needs met without offending the morality of the ______.

Select one of the following:

  • id; ego; superego

  • ego; id; superego

  • ego; superego; id

  • superego; id; ego


Question 26 of 39


Many have compared Freud's idea of the mind to an iceberg. If that were the case and you were standing on the deck of a ship in Alaska, what part of the mind would you see above the water?

Select one of the following:

  • ego

  • superego

  • id

  • preconscious


Question 27 of 39


Carolyn took home some printer paper from the office. Later, she felt guilty for stealing it so she brought some paper to work to replace what she took. Freud would suggest that Carolyn's ________ was responsible for making her feel bad over what she did

Select one of the following:

  • id

  • unconscious mind

  • ego

  • superego


Question 28 of 39


Jeromy has been having an affair with anther woman. On afternoon his wife cam home later that usual and Jeromy became angry, accusing his wife of infidelity. Which defense mechanism is behind Jeromy's accusations?

Select one of the following:

  • denial

  • projection

  • rationalization

  • reaction formation


Question 29 of 39


What is the correct sequence of Freud's psychosexual stage?

Select one of the following:

  • latency, anal, oral, genital, phalic

  • oral, genital, latency, phallic, anal

  • anal, oral, latency, phallic, genital

  • oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital


Question 30 of 39


Carl Jung's term for the part of our personality that Freud referred to as the unconscious was the ________

Select one of the following:

  • personal unconscious

  • archetype

  • collective unconscious

  • animus


Question 31 of 39


The neo-Freudian, Carl Jung, suggested the existence of a collective unconscious that contains images shared by all people. These images are what he called _______.

Select one of the following:

  • schemas

  • paradigms

  • archetypes

  • prototypes


Question 32 of 39


The _________ perspective of personality was a direct reaction against the negative view that the psychoanalytic perspective had of human beings.

Select one of the following:

  • humanistic

  • trait

  • projective

  • inventory


Question 33 of 39


Jerod has saved plenty of money and has a lucrative business that he enjoys. He likes to volunteer his time in the community and enjoys the company of other- but still saves time to be alone. One of his favorite things to do in the evening is sit outside and watch the sunset. Maslow might suggest that Jerod is ________.

Select one of the following:

  • retired

  • experiencing a superiority conplex

  • self-actualizing

  • emotionally conditioned


Question 34 of 39


According to Carl Rogers, anxiety and distress occur when ________.

Select one of the following:

  • a person has low self-esteem

  • there is matching between the actual self and ideal self

  • there is a descrepancy between the real self and ideal self

  • the individual receives to much unconditional positive regard


Question 35 of 39


According to Rogers, which of the following people is MOST likely to become a fully functioning person?

Select one of the following:

  • someone with a strongly developed superego

  • someone with an extraverted personality

  • someone brought up with conditional positive regard

  • someone brought up with unconditional positive regard


Question 36 of 39


What is Albert Bandura's term for the relationship among the three factors that influence personality?

Select one of the following:

  • feedback loops

  • learned responses

  • reciprocal determinism

  • external expectancies


Question 37 of 39


What are the Big Five personality traits?

Select one of the following:

  • conscientiousness, openness to experience, agreeableness, extroversion, dominance

  • openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism

  • sensation seeking, conscientiousness, openness to experience, agreeableness, dominance

  • neuroticism, psychoticism, extroversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness


Question 38 of 39


Ted is friendly, loves to tell jokes at parties, and is perceived by others as warm and considerate. On which two of the Big Five traits would you expect Ted to obtain high scores?

Select one of the following:

  • agreeableness and extraversion

  • extraversion and conscientiousness

  • neuroticism and openness to experience

  • openness to experience and concientiousness


Question 39 of 39


One limitation of the trait perspective compared to the other perspectives is there is not much _________

Select one of the following:

  • description

  • research

  • material

  • explanation
