Created by Tia Catt
over 6 years ago
Why use databases?
Flat file problems
Flat File Design
Database Design
why/n wot Database Design
Advantages: Database approach :)
Disadvantages: Database approach :(
1) What?Files treated as what?
2) tables referred as
3) columns?
4) rows/ records in file?
5) unique identifier?
Types of Relational Databases (3)
Stages of Design:
Standard Notation: Database tables
What is Normalisation? 1)
What Does it Do? 1.5)
How should Tables Conform? 2)
Tables should Allow? 3)
The structure should enable? 4)
Most commonly used levels? 5)
1st Normal Form if?
2nd Normal Form if?
3rd Normal Form if?
How do you Manipulate Data/ restrict it?
How can a Database Administrator restrict a users access to data?
Data validation and verification can be done How? (2)
Forms of validation checks? (6)
Purpose of Query Language? (Searching)
Querying Large Data Sets to? (4)
Name for queries applied to the results of other queries?
Purpose of DBMS? (5)
DBA - Database Administration
What are their Roles? (6)
What's Contained in a Data Dictionary? (8)
What is Big Data?
What is a Predictive Analytic?
How does a predictive Analytic predict trends? (2)
What is Data Warehousing?
Why Data Warehouse?
How? a)
What is Data Mining?
How Data Mine?
Centralised processing systems
What is it?
Centralised processing systems, Common? Example?
Decentralised Shortcomings
When moving from Centralised to Distributed:
1) What is Replaced?
2) What can the move enable? (2)
3) What Decisions are to be made? (3)
Distributed System Benefits?
Distributed System Downfall?
Methods of Distributing DataBase
Distributed Databases: Advantages (3)
Distributed Databases: Downfall (3)