Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

II trimestral Science SP Octavo Quiz on Octavo Science SP-IIT Trimestral, created by LAURA ARIAS on 23/08/2018.

Created by LAURA ARIAS almost 6 years ago

Octavo Science SP-IIT Trimestral

Question 1 of 32


The correct expression of 25800000 in scientific notation is__________________

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. 25.8x10^6

  • B. 2.58 x 10^7

  • C.0.258 x 10^8

  • D. 258 x 10 ^6


Question 2 of 32


Observe the following numbers
a. 0.0000340 b. 234.010 c. 234
b. 2.00 c. 345988 d. 0.01030
The numbers with three significant figures is________________

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. A, B, C

  • b. C, D, F

  • c. A, C, D

  • d. C, E, F


Question 3 of 32


Solve the following operation and choose the option with correct answer according to the significant figures rules

25.621 cm + 148.2 cm + 894.1 cm =

The option with the correct answer is________________

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. 1067.921

  • B. 1068

  • C. 1067.92

  • D. 1067.9


Question 4 of 32


Solve the following operation and choose the option with correct answer according to the significant figures rules

789.2 x 35 =

The option with the correct answer is ________________________

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. 2.7622 X 10 ^4

  • B. 2.8 X 10 ^4

  • C. 2.76 X 10 ^4

  • D. 3.0 X 10 ^4


Question 5 of 32


The correct expression of 9.23 x 10^-5 in scientific notation is _____________

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. 923000

  • B.0.0000923

  • C.0.000923

  • D.92300000


Question 6 of 32


Color State of matter
Shape Lenght
Mass Magnetism
Volume Texture

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. physical properties

  • B. Chemical properties

  • D. Physical and chemical properties

  • E. none of the above


Question 7 of 32


The average kinetic energy of a system is known as:

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. mass

  • B. matter

  • C. heat

  • D. temperature


Question 8 of 32


Read the following question abstract
A student is working in the lab with 30ml of HYDROCHLORIC ACID and 2 grams of COPPER SULFATE. He must wear the safety google to prevent any injuries.
The data in the text above refer to the following (respectively)

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. mass and volume

  • B. volume and weigh

  • C. weigh and volume

  • D. volume and mass


Question 9 of 32


The properties that do not depend on the amount of matter, such as melting point are known as______

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. extensive

  • B. intensive

  • C. physical

  • D. chemical


Question 10 of 32


Which of the following is a physical change?

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. wood burning in a fireplace

  • B. water freezing

  • C. iron rusting

  • .D. digesting food


Question 11 of 32


The physical state of copper at 25 C (room temperature) is_________________

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. solid

  • B. Liquid

  • C. gas

  • D.plasma


Question 12 of 32


The most abundant state of matter in the universe is known as_____________

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. solid

  • B. liquid

  • C. Plasma

  • D. Bose Einstein


Question 13 of 32


Which of the following properties defines a liquid?

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. it has its own shape

  • B. its particles are close together and move randomly

  • C. its particles move very rapidly

  • D. it fills the entire volume of the container


Question 14 of 32


Read the following information
I. Sublimation II. melting III condensation IV freezing V evaporation

Two examples of chemical changes that are endothermic are_______________________

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. I and II

  • B. III and IV

  • C. I and III

  • D. V and IV


Question 15 of 32


Read the following information
i. Sublimation II. melting III. condensation IV. freezing V. evaporation

Two examples of chemical that are endothermic are______________

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. I and II

  • B. III and IV

  • C. I and III

  • D. V and IV


Question 16 of 32


A chemical equation resembles the behavior of reactants and products, in which the atoms involved are the same type and amount in both sides. This fact is an example of the _____________

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Law of mass conservation

  • B. Law of multiple proportions

  • C. Law of definite proportions

  • D. Law of force conservation


Question 17 of 32


Which of the following is an example of a homogeneous mixture?

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. sand dissolved in water

  • B. table sugar

  • C. gasoline with water

  • D. ball bearings in a box


Question 18 of 32


An example of a heterogeneous mixture is

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. sand mixed with oil

  • B. salt dissolved in water

  • C. air

  • D. coffee


Question 19 of 32


Mayonnaise, ketchup and peanut butter are examples of ________________

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. colloids

  • B. suspensions

  • C. elements

  • D. solutions


Question 20 of 32


The difference between a solution and a suspension is that _________________

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. the solution is uniform and the suspension has different phase

  • B. the suspension is uniform and the solution has different phases

  • C. the solution has a solute and solvent, but the suspension only the solute

  • D. the suspension has a solute and solvent, but the solution only a solute


Question 21 of 32


Compounds are pure substances that by definition consist of ___________________

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. a single element

  • B. oxygen and hydrogen

  • C. two or more elements in combination

  • D. solids


Question 22 of 32


The state of matter achieved at an absolute zero based on the Kelvin temperature scale is known as

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. solid

  • B. plasma

  • C. Bose Einstein

  • D. gas


Question 23 of 32


Which scientist's experiment was crucial for the work that Thomson performed to state that atoms where composed of parts and that one of them was electron?

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. W. Crookes

  • B. H. Becquerel

  • C. Rutherford

  • D. Democritus


Question 24 of 32


The scientist that proposed the Atomic Theory, which explains different aspects about the atom and its properties is known as ______________

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. John Dalton

  • B. H. Becquerel

  • C. Rutherford

  • D. Democrithus


Question 25 of 32


Was a New Zealand chemist who has become known as the father of nuclear physics. In 1911 he was the first to discover that atoms have a small charged nucleus surrounded by largely empty space and are circled by tiny electrons. He is also credited with the discovery of the proton in 1919 and hypothesized the existence of the neutron. He was awarded the Nobel Prized in Chemistry in 1908 for his investigation into the disintegration of the elements and the chemistry of radioactive substances.

The previous information refers to:

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. W. Crockes

  • B. H. Becquerel

  • C. Rutherford

  • D. Democritus


Question 26 of 32


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Write the chemical name of the following chemical symbols
a. Si
b. Na
C. Mn
D. Cr
E. Hh


Question 27 of 32


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Write the chemical symbol of the following chemical names
a) Aluminum
b) Radium
c) Silver
d) Copper


Question 28 of 32


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Classify elements into metals, nonmetal and metalloids
a) Polonium
b) Tin
c) Tellurium
d) Cobalt
e) Fluorine


Question 29 of 32


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Which is the valance electrons of the following elements
a) Strontium
b) Iodine
c) Lead
d) Rubidium
c) Xenon


Question 30 of 32


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

What are the names in English of the following families
a) #2
b) #8
c) #7
d) #6
e) #1


Question 31 of 32


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

What is the chemical name of the elements located in.
a) Group 12, period 4
b) Family 6, period 8
c) Halogens, period 5
d) Period 3, group 11
e) Actinides, 5th element
f) Alkali metals, period 3
g) Boron family, period 3
h) Period 5, group 11
I) Lanthanides, element 2
j) Period 2, noble gases


Question 32 of 32


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Write the oxidation number of the following elements
a) Barium
b) Bismuth
c) Aluminum
d) Chlorine
e) Beryllium
