In Bogota there is a wide variety of restaurants which most have the typical dish here AJIACO which is a delicious soup invited you to try it
In Bogota there are hotels on all sides but where I recommend you stay is in the center of Bogota because there you can advise on plans to go to different tourist attractions of Bogota and most are left at the same distance because they are in the center
In Bogota there are several museums each choose different things I will tell you some of them gold museum, botero museum, national museum, history museum fifth house of bolivar etc. If you go to Bogota I recommend that you visit most museums will help you understand our history
touristic monument
In Bogota there are many tourist monuments but the most known is monserrate is a church located on a mountain which can be reached by stairs that takes approximately 1h or 2h depending on the person or cable car
The theaters of Bogota are theater san cristobal colon, free theater chapinero, theater major julio mario santo domingo and theater jorge eliecer gaitan are very good theaters if you like but if you do not like many more things in Bogota