The human brain is made of special cells, called neurons, connected together in pathways or networks
Brain cells, or neurons, receive signals through their dendrites and pass them on through their axons
Babies are born with most of their brain structure and lots of connections in place
Humans build pathways in their brains as a result of experiences and actions, and all pathways are equally strong
Serve and return interactions, between a baby and adults around them, are an important way for brains to grow
Stress is always good for the brain
Our behavioural habits - things like avoiding people if we think they're angry, or being shy around new people, for example - are based on random chance and genetics.
Babies who have trusting relationships with the people in their lives, and get to have lots of good experiences like talking and playing, grow better networks
Once you're an adult, your brain is stuck like that forever
Our brains just keep adding new pathways over time as we learn new things